Chapter 23: Paige's Crazy Decision

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After I hang up the phone, I just received a text from my dad, telling me that the authorities are coming to the school. Sighing in relief, I texted him back, thanking him. However, he told me that FBI barged into Red Dragons and found Mr. Pao and his men killed.

Surprised, I pressed him for more details. "We scoured the restaurant and found his body in the kitchen as well as his men." Dad responded. It seems like Pi found him first, I responded back. That's a question mark appeared on the screen.

Pi planned this wild goose chase all because Mr. Pao killed his family in Taiwan. I stated. He must have known about Jerry stealing his prized possession so he waited for the possible moment to ruin Mr. Pao. That is quite a theory, Dad said. Okay, I will take your word for it. Meanwhile, stay where you are.

After I sent him a cheery emoji, I heard another round of gunshots and more screaming. This is starting feel more like The Hunger Games. I contacted Pi, but this time I set a trap for him.

"What is it?" Pi asked impatiently. "I found the boy you are looking for," I lied. "Really?" he shrieked. "Where?" "He is outside of the school," I answered. Pi then alerted the rest of his men outside of the school, leaving me alone once again.

Suddenly, I heard a loud commotion outside of the school. Quickly, I raced up to the window and saw the police and FBI members arresting armed thugs, especially Pi himself. I watched his smile faded into a scowl as he was pushed into a police car.

It's over, I thought. Just then, a handsome man with an FBI bulletproof vest pushed open the door. As it turns out, it was my dad. He lowered his gun then hugged me tight. "Cleo," he murmured. "You are okay. I am so proud of you."

I squeezed him back. "Your classmates are alright," Dad said after we parted. "They are a little shaken up from the bodies." I stared at him in shock. "How many?" I breathed. "Six," he described. "Three of them are resting in the hospital while the others didn't make it."

"Your friend, Jared is still-" Wait, Jared? "He's shot?!" I screeched. "In the arm," he continued. "But don't worry, he is in the hospital." I slapped my head in frustration then groaned. "Paige must be worried."

Smiling, Dad took me by the hand then hurried out of the bathroom. As Mom arrive at the scene, she almost cried when she saw my tired face. Running up the stairs, Mom hugged me then kissed my cheeks.

"Thank goodness, you're safe!" Mom squealed. I try to smile, but the thought of Jared lingering in the hospital stayed on my mind. Just then, Paige came over to my side. She wore a blue t-shirt with a blood stain on it, khaki pants, and sneakers.

Her blond hair looked disheveled, her eyes were red from crying, and she looked like she wanted to throw up on my shoes. "Cleo!" she sobbed, wrapping her arms around me. "Oh, it was horrible!"

"I know," I insisted. "I was in the bathroom, and I heard everything-" "Isabel was shot," Paige interrupted. "So did Jared and-" Mom rested her hand on Paige's shoulder. "I'm very sorry," she said softly. "Right now, the whole thing is over. You can go home and rest."

But Paige just shook her head. "Can I crash over your place, instead?" she asked. I nodded eagerly. "Sure," I answered. "I have an extra sleeping bag and clothes if you want some." She sniffed as a police officer took her by the hand.

I didn't see her after that. "Cleo," Mom began. "This isn't your fault." If I had a nickel for every time she says that. I thought glumly. "Come on," Mom urged. "Let's before CNN gets here."

I nodded in agreement and followed Mom to her car. The ride to home grew quiet: Mom had to force herself to make a cheery conversation, despite the fact that we all just been through something terrifying.

Sometimes, I wish Uncle Seth was here to pick me up instead of Mom. He always comes up with something hilarious without even trying. "Mom," I started to say. "What was it like, losing someone like Zack?"

Mom immediately recoiled at that name, but didn't change the subject. "It was terrible," she explained. "Zach seemed like a good friend to me. I mean, I never understood why he would he'd bomb schools or museums, but he seemed to be a nice person."

"I think when I first met Zach, he was lonely and hates the world. It was the exact personality your father had when he was your age." "What about Uncle Seth?" I asked suddenly. "Did he hate the world?"

Mom chuckled at my question. "No," she answered. "Your uncle is naive: he prefers to look at the bright side of things. I think it's why your father envies him." "Dad is jealous of Uncle Seth?" I asked.

She nodded. "Your uncle is never reluctant or dispiteful. He's more laid back, but he never gives up without a fight." When I was little, I remembered making funny faces with him as we took selfies of ourselves.

The thought of him smiling made me want to smile back. As soon as we arrived home, Uncle Seth gave me a bear hug before asking me if I was okay.

"I'm fine," I insisted. "Great," he beamed. "Your friend Paige is waiting for you upstairs. "While you girls giggle about boys, I am going to make some sundaes."

I smile very eagerly as I climb upstairs and headed to my bedroom. Sensing my movements, Paige rose up from my bed, wearing my yellow tank top and black shorts.

"Your uncle is nice," Paige chuckled softly. "He lets me take a shower and showed me to your bedroom." I touched her shoulder affectionately. "Are you okay?" I asked. Paige wiped away a tear then nodded.

"Yeah," she sighed. "So, what case are you working now?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know," I admitted. "Maybe Uncle Seth could give me something." Paige came closer and cleared her throat.

"Can I assist you with your cases?" she blurted. I gave her a sympathetic look. "I feel like I should protect you or something," Paige continued. "Everyday, I see you rescuing people and solving clues."

"That's amazing, Paige." I breathed. "But what if you get hurt?" "It would be worth it," she shrugged. "Bruises are better than just sitting around." "But what about your family?" I questioned. "Your brother?"

But Paige's decision was final: she wanted to assist me on my cases. I don't know if she was fearless or crazy. "I'll think about it," I say with a weak smile. Paige smiled back as I joined her on the bed.

The End

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