Chapter 7: Mamma Mia!

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I excused myself in front of Jared then walked over to the large, scary man. As soon as I tapped on his shoulder, the thug flinched then turned his glare away from Seth. The crowd's raucous cheers grew quiet when the glanced at our way. "Hello sir," I began slowly. "What seems to be the problem?"

The thug looked at me for a moment then pointed his beefy finger at my brother, who is watching him in fear. "Do you know this man?" he asked. "More or less," I shrugged. "What happened?" His finger didn't budge away from Seth. "This smart guy decided to tell me how stupid I am." the thug boomed.

I traced my eyes at his enormous biceps until I caught something unusual on his tattoo. It says two plus two equals fourteen. Gee, I wonder why. I thought. Taking a deep breath, I told Jared and his father to wait for us outside and made Seth apologize to the moron.

After the apology, I took Seth by the arm then explained to the thug that we are heading straight home, pretending this argument had never happened. Like a bobble head toy, Seth nodded along with me and nervously apologized to the thug once more.

We almost made it out of the door when two men in biker clothes blocked our escape. Nine more goons stopped what they were doing and surrounded us. Oh crap, I muttered. I knew coming here was a mistake. But the good thing was, Jared and his father got out of the restaurant safely as well as many other customers.

The leader of the menacing-looking men swallowed his remaining drops of beer then threw it on the ground. Shards of glass spilt right beside him. He cracked his fists then walked over to us with a confident smile. Seth looked at me carefully, whispering to me what should we do.

"How well is your Judo?" I asked. The reason why I asked this question because I taught various forms of jujitsu and Krav Maga during my years as an FBI agent. "They're pretty shaken up," Seth admitted. "Why?" All of a sudden, I heard a loud chuckle coming from the Alpha.

He set a radio on top of the table and turned the volume on. Mamma Mia came out of the speakers. Seth and I stared at him in disbelief. "I always like music whenever I pick on weaklings." Without any warning, I punched him square in the face, knocking him out instantly.

The goons' triumphant faces vanished then advanced towards us. Seth looked impressed. "Well," he began. "That's one way to start a fight." "Just shut up and punch," I groaned. A thug threw his fists at me, but I dodged them and sailed my foot into his stomach.  As soon as he let out a long groan, I punched him in the face.

I turned to see Seth, knocking down two men with ease. Just then, someone shoved me to a table. It was another one of the idiot's men charging at me with full force. As a result, I slammed my hands on his ears, drove my foot up his crotch, then smacked him around with a menu folder I found on the floor.

The man rested on the ground, leaving his comrade to look at me in a vicious way. But as soon as he threw a punch, I grabbed him by the wrist then broke it. As the man let out a loud scream, I threw him against the table.

The fight lasted about ten minutes. After knocking out at least ten thugs, we decided to catch our breath and head home. Until, the police came bursting through the door. The blue uniformed men scoured across the building with armed weapons.

"Great!" Seth exclaimed. "Cops!" The policemen gazed at the unconscious bodies on the floor, then raised their guns at us.  Instantly, we rose our hands up in fear. "You two are under arrest!" one of the policemen shrieked. "Oh come on!" Seth cried.

Two of them chained our wrists with handcuffs then pushed us out of the karaoke restaurant. As soon as we got out, a small crowd gathered to see us being forced against our will by authorities.

I looked around for Jared and possibly Robert, but they weren't there. Great, they ditched us. I thought sarcastically. Seth's chagrin eyes were piercing through mine. "Calm down," I insisted. "I can call Cole and have her bail us out of jail."

Seth stared at me in horror as we were shoved inside a small police car. My nose is flooded with the old stench chilli cheese fries, soda, and potato chips. It's like they fit an entire football stadium in here.

While the driver started the car, I kept getting Seth's rancid stares. "What?" I hissed. He leaned over to my ear then whispered something to me. "You are not calling Cole!"

I rolled my eyes at this. "Yes, I am." I whispered back. Seth looks like he is about to puke. "As you should know, Cole is ten times scarier than Mom!" Seth whined. "Whenever something bad happens, she always blames me for everything!"

I gave him a meaningful stare. The bar fight was his fault, and yet he plays innocent. The police car reached to the station until an  explosion occurred. The blast came from the bank that we had just past. With a sigh, the policeman swerved around the car and drove back to the scene while his cop friend squinted his eyes, like he was blind.

Seth and I gave each other quizzical looks then back at the driver. "What's going on?" I asked. "Why did we turn around?" Seth asked. One of the cops told us to shut up, but that didn't make our curiosity wear away.

"Why is there an-" "Will you shut up?!" his partner screeched. "Both of you, be quiet!" We clamped our mouths shut then glanced window. Heaping clouds of gas and dirt floated from the burning car.

As we take a closer look, we noticed inside the car was a rotting corpse, leaning against the window. "Holy crap," we both said in unison.

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