Chapter 8: Cole To the Rescue

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As soon as I got out of the car, I pulled my prize revolver out of my pocket. I pushed opened the door then raced over to the crime scene. Yellow tape surrounded the area of where the car was bursted into flames.

The black Ferrari was torched, as well as the suspect. Before I could examine the scene, I adjusted my shoes and made sure my gun is loaded. Just then, a young police officer came in my way. He had a clean shaven face, wears a navy blue cop uniform, and sunglasses. He looked almost angry to see me.

"What in world are you doing here?" he demanded. "This is a restricted-" "I work for the CIA," I interrupted, taking out my badge and showing it to him. The cop scratched his head in confusion.

"But this is-" he began. I placed a hand in front of to interrupt him again. "Just let me search around the premises." I insisted. I knew the CIA does foreign affairs, but that doesn't mean I rather stand by and do nothing.

But just when I was about to open my mouth, I spotted Ben and Seth, sitting uncomfortably in a police car. You have got to be kidding me! I thought angrily. I patiently told the cop to wait.

I stormed across the black concrete where two cops just crawled out of their car. As soon as they noticed me, their eyes widened in annoyance. "Can we help you, miss?" one of them asked.

I gave them a warm smile and asked why my husband and my brother are in the car. "They are being arrested for inciting a riot at a karaoke restaurant," one of them explained.

Oh great, I thought. "Can you please free them?" I asked politely. "I'm sure I can pay their bail, how much is it?" The cop looked at his friend, who shrugged his shoulders, then back at me. "Ten thousand dollars," he replied reluctantly. "I know this seems a lot of money, but-" I reached into my bag then handed him the crisp bills. The authorities looked at me as if I was a millionaire. 

Money was never a problem for my family. With all of us working hard for a maximum wage, we managed to get a nice house and beautiful furniture. Ben, Seth, and I paid our bills and in return, we each receive trust from our bankers as well as good credit scores. 

The cop promised as soon as they are finish going through the crime scene, he and his friend will head back to the station to sign some papers. Crossing my arms, I told him what I had saw before the incident.

I told him about the gang-looking man, how he broke into an antique store to steal a particular wooden box. When the cop asked me what it look like, I tell him that it had ancient Mandrin symbols and three keyholes.

All of a sudden, Ben and Seth rushed out of the car, rubbing their sore wrists. As soon as they caught up to me, Ben hugged me tightly while Seth whistled at the damaged. "What happened in here?" he breathed. The cop, who was talking to me, looked surprised when they were free from their handcuffs.

"Hey," he growled to Seth, who stared at him. He smiled at the frustrated cop and gave him a wave. "Hey," Seth responded. "Get back in the car!" the cop shouted. Sighing, Ben reached into his pocket and pulled out his FBI badge. 

"Ben Arthur Hamilton," he responded. "I am a FBI operative." The cop scratched his shaved hair then glanced in Seth's way. "What are you then?" he breathed. "Are you an FBI or a-" "I don't work for any goodie-two-shoes," Seth replied with a shrug. "I work with my brother, more or less."

"Anyway," I began. "So, did you have your men identify the guy?" The cop opened his mouth to explain, but that's when Seth cut him off again. "I know the guy," he sighed. "His nickname is Ghenghis Khan." "Are you saying that you are talking to this criminal?" the cop asked. "How?"

Seth let out a low chuckle. "He prefers driving in black cars, especially a Ferarri. He works for a criminal organization called the Red Dragons." The cop gave him a distrustful look then back at me.

"Are you sure he is telling the truth?" he asked. "He might be a suspect." "He went to a karaoke restaurant with me and some friends." Ben snorted. "We were inside restaurant the entire time and yet, you don't believe him?"

"If you want, I can describe every single detail of the fight." The cop was about to say something until I saw another police officer, dragging a teenage girl by the arm. She had light brown skin, dark freckles above her nose, and hazel eyes.

Her dark brown hair was tucked inside her woolen cap. The girl wore a blue t-shirt, skinny jeans, and sneakers. On her back was a leather bag. My soft brown eyes turned wild as I recognized who she is: my loving, but stubborn daughter Cleo.

As soon as her eyes met mine, Cleo grew fearful to come near me. "Cleo?!" I shrieked, marching towards her. "What are you doing here?!" The cop stared at me cautiously while Cleo let out a nervous chuckle.

"Hi Mom," she beamed nervously. "You're here, what a-" "Save it," I snapped, turning my eyes to her captor. "What did she do?" "I saw this girl tampering with the crime scene." the cop explained. After his shaky explanation, Cleo glared at him. "With what?" she shrieked. "For the love of pete, I didn't do anything. I want a lawyer!" I rolled my eyes at her complaints: was I ever like this when I was her age?

"What did she touch?" I asked. The moment I asked the question, Cleo looked up at him nervously, hoping not to get end up behind bars. "She took something important from the crime scene," the cop explained. "She managed to pull out some sort of box out of the trunk before the car even set fire."

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