Chapter 18: The Dust Store

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When school is over, I rushed over to my locker and tossed my textbooks into my backpack. Before Mom dropped me off, I told her that I will be walking to the antique store after school, which she didn't mind. However, Mom advised me that I need to avoid being stupid and reckless.

Just then, I saw Jerry walking past me and unlocking his locker. The Jerry I know would have mocked me for my outfits and intelligence. But now, he was acting strange. That's when I shake my head furiously. You are not going to follow him, I thought to myself. You said so yourself that you are going to the antique store and ask questions.

"Hey Cleo," a distinctive voice called. I turned to see Jared Clayton, looking guilty. It's been awkward between us ever since our first date went awry. "Hey," I said back. "How are things?" Other than the fact that I slapped him?

"Things are great," Jared answered. "Sorry about what I said last night." "It's not what you said Jared, it's how you said it," I said, crossing my arms. He gave me a confused look. "What do you mean?" "I already know you had a crush on me since the third grade," I replied coldly.

"It was pretty obvious to me and Paige." Jared buried his face with his hands. "Ugh," he moaned. "Was it really that obvious?" I rolled my eyes. "At our 3rd grade Valentine's dance, everyone including our teachers voted us as the World's Best Couple."

 "That was such a cheesy name." Jared groaned. "Look, I am sorry about the whole mix up. Why did you slap me anyway? Because I'm too shallow for you?" I gave him a cold stare. "First of all, you avoided me and now you decided to make a move on me. And second, you think it's the best time to show off your adorable boy charms on me."

Jared stared at me for a while, trying to understand what I am saying. "So, you slapped me because I have cute boy charms?" I groaned in frustration. Forget it, it's hopeless. All of a sudden, Jared's twin sister, Paige appeared out of nowhere.

She wore a ladybug t-shirt, jeans, and high-tops. Her dark blond hair went down to her neck. Despite their different appearances, they are the same height and age. "How's it going?" she asked. "Fine," I lied weakly. "I have to go somewhere."

"Over the rainbow?" Paige joked. I laughed nervously then took off, earning me a couple of confused look from the siblings. As soon as I got out of school, I headed to the direction of the Chinese antique store. 

I knew it was right next to the Pisces restaurant, the place where Mom and I had our Girl's Night with Paige and her perky mother. I head down a couple of blocks until a mysterious figure grabbed my book bag then ran away.

 "Seriously?" I moaned. Taking a deep breath, I charged after him. The figure shoved a oncoming jogger out of the way until he tripped over a trashcan, spilling garbage around him. Annoyed, I hurried over to the thief's direction, yanked my backpack from his arms, and dragged him by the fabric of his ACDC hoodie.

Instantly, the figure sprang back to life and threw a fist close to my face, however, I grabbed it and body slammed him to the ground. "Ow!" he cried. "Shut up," I snapped. I helped him up to his feet then made him reveal himself: it was Jerry.

"Jerry?" I shrieked. "Why did you try to rob me?" "I don't know," he sniffed, brushing the dirt off of his jeans. "Why did you try to kill me?" "Hey, almost." I retorted. "Just answer my question." Jerry rubbed his sore arm then explained that he was trying to protect me.

"Protect me?" I teased. "From what? From your awful cologne?" "Shut up," Jerry snapped. "Or what?" I mocked. "It's complicated," he said. "I know you work for Mr. Pao," I stated. "I know the things he made you do. Just what were you doing with that bag-"

"Stay away from that restaurant," Jerry warned. "You'll regret it if you don't." My eyes widened at this threat. "Do I look like a scaredy cat to you?" I said. "Please, just don't be around that restaurant." he insisted. "Because it's where the Red Dragon gang make their deposit?" I guessed. 

Rolling his eyes, Jerry threw over his hood then walked away. As much as I wanted to grab him and make him talk, I have to find the answers in the shop. I pulled the straps of my backpack over my shoulders then continued my journey.

I continue to head straight until my feet felt the black concrete. But as I searched for the shop, I saw the once great seafood restaurant closing down. Apparently, it was for a rat infestation. "That's weird," I thought. Didn't I just eat there a while ago? It didn't seem like they had rats. 

What if this has something to do with the incident? Just when I started to go inside, something grabbed my by the arm. Half of me expected it was Jerry, trying to scare me again, but the other half expected some moron trying to steal my backpack.

As I glanced in my way, it was a small, old Chinese man peering at me with curious eyes. He had a white shirt, long brown trousers, and black shoes. White hair covered the back of his head and his lips. "What are you doing here?" he asked in a scratchy voice.

Wait a minute, I know this guy. "Are you the owner of the antique shop?" I asked. The small man reluctantly nodded. "My name is Pi," he introduced. "Pi?" I repeated. "As in 3.14?" He nodded again then led me to his shop.

Inside the store smelled faintly of Cherry Blossoms. My sneakers landed on something of what it seems to be a pile dust bunnies. Dust is literally everywhere: on the carpets, on the crowded shelves, and even the artifacts itself. 

It was like walking through a dust blizzard. Not bothered by the dust, Pi made his way around the stack of junk and sat in the desk that was far away from the piles of clutter. "Why did you decide to come here, Ms. Detective?" Pi asked. 

Well, it couldn't hurt to answer. "I want to know why that box is so important," I began. "Because of the Red Dragons?" Pi guessed. So he has heard the name before. "Yes," I answered. I shifted my feet around the clutter until I had reached to Pi's desk.

"Why was there cocaine and thirty million dollars in the box?" I asked. Pi snorted a laugh then told me to sit down. "The Red Dragons aren't pissed off about the contents of the box," he explained. "They're mad because a someone made an absolute fool of himself."

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