Chapter 20: An Enemy of My Friend

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Jerry wore the same  ACDC hoodie and the same jeans, but his face isn't the same. It was covered in bruises and streaks of blood. "Oh my gosh," I said. "What happened to you?" Instead of answering my question, he came into the house.

Uncle Seth and my parents gave them cold looks, but he ignored every single one of them. "What are you doing here?" Dad snarled. "Shouldn't your parents be here-" "I did something bad," Jerry explained, sitting on the couch.

Mom and Dad looked at each other sternly. "Thank you very much," Uncle Seth said with a cold smile, but if you could call the police breaking into our house-" Jerry looked at him as if he was being serious. "I can't tell the police, especially my mom."

W"Why, because she's a drug addict?" I asked in a harsh tone. That's when Jerry changed the subject: "I want you to help me, Cleo." I cringed at this: why would he ask me for help when he could just come to the police? But on the other hand, he seemed a bit shaken up and he wants to do something good for a change.

"Okay," I said finally. "Tell us the truth, but if you leave a single scrap of detail, I will report you to the police. With my family on the same page, Jerry cleared his throat then began his story: after our awkward encounter, he rushed back to his house where Mr. Pao and his goons apprehended him then left him to rot in his backyard.

He woke up to find everything taken in his house: no money, no cocaine, and especially no mom. Jerry wanted to tell the police everything, but with Mr. Pao's threatening phone call, Jerry thought it would be best if I can help him.

"Okay," I repeated. "But answer me this: why did you plant the drugs and the cash?" He scratched his head, but answered truthfully. "Because Khan made me," he said. "He said that if I didn't do what he says, he is going to tell the police about me giving illegal drugs to my mother."

"So, I stole thirty million dollars and the drugs from Mr. Pao stashed it into the box then return it to that creepy antique store." While Mom let out a sigh, Dad gave him one of his distrustful looks. "Jerry," I began. "You need to tell this to the police." He shook his head furiously. 

"Are you kidding me?!" he shrieked. "Mr. Pao will kill me!" "Well," Dad said. "At least it's better than death itself." "Ben!" Mom hissed, but then Uncle Seth stopped him. "I agree with him," he replied. "Why are we trying to help a total psycho like you?"

I looked to Jerry, who was biting his bleeding lip. "Look," he said. "I know I have been a total jerk to you all, especially Cleo. But I am willing to put it behind me and help you guys stop Mr. Pao once and for all." Even though I don't trust the snake, I think he has a good point.

I gazed back at the adults, wanting to know if they feel the same way, but they didn't. Instead, it became worse. "Fine," Dad said. "We'll help you." Jerry's beaten face suddenly uplifted. It was like the bruises didn't matter to him. 

Just then, Dad walked closer then leaned to his face. "But if you lie to our faces, then you have another thing coming," he threatened. "Understand?" Jerry bit his lip again, but nodded. "Good," he said, grabbing his suitcase. "Let's go."

As Dad walked to the door, Jerry looked confused. "Where are we going?" "To my workplace," Dad answered. "Meanwhile, Cleo, you are going to stay with your mother and uncle to make it look like nothing happened."

"Yes sir," I said. "Good luck," Mom replied. Dad gave her a small smile before shoving Jerry out of the door. "My brother has some serious trusting issues," Uncle Seth sighed minutes after Dad and Jerry left the house. "At least he doesn't lie around the couch like a hobo." Mom retorted.

Uncle Seth stuck his tongue then get up to take a shower, which leaves me and mom alone. After the sound of Uncle Seth's feet faded, Mom flashed me a worried look. "Cleo," she said. "Are you sure we can trust Jerry?" "Yeah," I answered in an unsure way. "I'm pretty sure."

"I have been in your shoes way longer than you," Mom reminded. "Cleo, maybe we should give Jerry to the police. I don't trust him." "I think so too," I agreed. "But Jerry seems willing to help us."

Mom closed her eyes for a moment then opened them. "We'll try saving Captain Troublemaker," Uncle Seth said as he came out of the shower. He wore a black bathrobe and a dreary look.

"But the minute we save him, Jerry is going straight to jail." he insisted. I nodded in response then went up to my bedroom. Gathering my blue pajamas, I took a long shower and got dressed.

But just as I got started on my homework, my cellphone buzzed on my desk drawer. I set my pencil next to my spiral notebook then answered its cries. "Hello?" I called. "Hey Cleo," Paige responded. "Oh, hi Paige." I responded back. "What's up?"

"What happened between you and Jared?" she asked. "As soon as you bolted, Jared wouldn't tell me anything." He didn't tell her? I thought. "Well, Jared asked me out." I explained.

A silence came through the other line. "What?" Paige shrieked. "You guys went out together?" "Yes," I sighed. "We ate at a Chinese restaurant, Jared walked me back to a truck and gave me a promise ring."

"Technically, he acted the scenario as if it was a wedding proposal until my uncle caught us in the act." "Okay," Paige said. "So, then what happened?" "I told my uncle what happened, Jared made a stupid comment about why he doesn't want to propose to me, and I slapped him."

"Wow," Paige breathed. "No wonder Jared is in a bad mood." "Boys are such idiots," I groaned. "Definitely," she agreed. "Anyway, I have to call you back, Mom is in my bedroom." "See you later," I said, hanging up the phone.

Groaning, I tossed it at my bed then rested my head against my desk.

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