Chapter 21: School Sweet School

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The next morning, I woke up with a happy smile on my face. I hopped out of bed, brushed my teeth, and changed into my casual plaid shirt, jeans, and sneakers. As soon as I hurried downstairs, I grabbed an apple from a bowl and ate it.

Just then, my mother stride downstairs wearing a blue bathrobe. "Hey Cleo," she said. "You don't want me to make breakfast for you?" Shaking my head, I tossed the apple core into the trash can.

"I'm already full, Mom." I responded, kissing her on the cheek. Sighing, Mom flicked the strand between her eyes then went over to the kitchen to make some lunch. She brought out bread, cheese, and other ingredients to make a sandwhich."Did you sleep well?" I asked.

"No," Mom sighed. "I just keep thinking about your father. He hasn't slept a wink either." Probably because of Jerry, I thought miserably. Mom filled the pan with water then dipped a chunk of meat into it.

While the pan is boiling, she cut the crusts of the bread and laid the cheese in the center. I offered her some help to cut the veggies, but Mom shooed me away. "Get your backpack and wait in the living room," Mom insisted with a smile.

Groaning, I dragged my backpack then waited impatiently on the couch. Meanwhile, Uncle Seth and Dad came downstairs, looking prompt and punctual in their suits.

Their handsome appearances almost look like the cast of Suits. "Hi guys," Mom greeted. "Want some breakfast?" The men nodded as they straightened their ties. Uncle Seth gazed down at his clothes then grimaced.

"Do I seriously have to wear this?" he moaned. Dad gave him a reprimanding glare before kissing Mom on the forehead. "Yes, Seth." he answered. "After you drop off Cleo to school, we are going to accompany Jerry to the court so he can testify."

That sound like news to me. "So, where did you and Jerry gone to?" Mom asked, placing the sandwiches in a container before putting it in our lunchbags. "The FBI organization," Dad answered.

"I had Jerry telling my colleagues ever single detail he told us." Mom told me make myself a bowl of cereal. Sighing, I take out the Fruit Loops cereal box, a quart of milk, and a ceramic bowl then laid them on the dining table.

Pouring the dry pieces of cereal, I dump the white liquid out of the bottle then dispose the empty box and jug in the trashcan. "Did the authorities believe him?" I asked hopefully. Dad simply let out a long sigh then stared at the floor.

"They didn't have a choice," I heard him say. "The box case is getting us nowhere and we still haven't found any leads, regarding to where Mr. Pao's drug trafficking ring is." "What about the money?" Uncle Seth asked, joining my parents in the kitchen.

Dad just shrugged. "I'll might talk to Pi again," I offered. "See what he knows-" "I don't think you should go back there again," Mom interrupted. "And besides, the police still thinks he's a suspect." I let out a moan. "Well, we can't just sit around and do nothing!" I shouted. "We need to do something. Anything!"

Uncle Seth patted my shoulder gently. "We hear you, Cleo." He said. "But your mom is right, we need to avoid that guy at all costs. In addition to the case, I still need to uncover some secrets in Pi's online diary." I raised my eyebrow at this. He has a diary?

"How did you manage to bypass the security?" Uncle Seth flashed a mischievous grin. "I'm a hacker," he replied. "I don't tell secrets." "Right.." I giggled. He kissed me on the forehead then fixed himself two slices of toast and eggs.

"Come on, Athena." He urged, pointing to my bowl of cereal. "You need your strength." Nodding, I followed him back to the table and finished my Fruit Loops. After breakfast, Mom handed me and Dad our lunchbags and waved goodbye.

"Have a great day at school!" she called. I followed my uncle to his car and hopped in the front seat. Later Uncle Seth backed out of the driveway and headed straight for the school. 

As much as I love my uncle, I sometimes worry about him. What would happen if Mom, Dad, and I didn't exist? Or what if he got arrested? He occasionally hacks into criminals' computers for a living and eats half of the refrigerator.

Ever since I was a child, I grew happier whenever he shows up unexpectedly. I always wonder if Dad can appear out of thin air, too. So, I always stand near the window, hoping that his car would show up on the driveway; but it didn't.

 I was already getting sick of Skyping and calling Dad. All I ever wanted in the entire world is to see his sly, mysterious face. I remembered one night, I heard the door creaking downstairs. For a second, I thought it was the wind, but when I came downstairs I saw my father's tired, bruised face.

His suit is torn, his eyes looked like he didn't get any sleep, but Dad gave me his usual calm smile. "Sorry," he chuckled. "Late shifts." I dropped my teddy bear then hugged him tightly. Tears came out of my eyes as I squeezed his legs even tighter. "What took you so long?" I sobbed. "I missed you so much."

Dad lifted me up then kissed my forehead. "What happened to your face?" I asked. "Work," he answered. "Time for my Spencer Hastings to go to bed." I buried my face into his shoulders as he plucked my teddy bear off the floor and carried me to my bedroom.

"Hey Cleo," called a voice. It sounded blurry and distorted, but I can hear it. "Cleo." it repeated. As it turns out, the voice belonged to Uncle Seth, who seemed a bit worried. And the biggest surprise of all, we were at the school."You okay, Camper?" he asked. "Yeah," I lied, tugging my backpack strap. 

"I'll see you later." I kissed him on the cheek then left the car, feeling dazed and confused. The school lawn isn't filled with kids, but the bell didn't ring. Nonetheless, I rushed up the chalk white stairs then threw open the door.

I expected a lone boy, girl, or even a freaky custodian passing back and forth in the hallways, but it was like the rapture happened. Swallowing a gulp, I told myself to stay calm and look on the bright side. I thought at least the kids are in class right now, ignoring the teachers' boring lectures.

All of a sudden, I saw a lean, yet built man wearing dark clothes and a red dragon tattoo on his arm. My eyes widened at the sight of him. It wasn't because Mr. Pao hired him, but because he is carrying an AK-47 in his hands.

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