Chapter 2: Scarred With Ignorance

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After a long day at school, I came over to Paige and told her everything she needed to know about the occasion. All of a sudden, I saw the pain in her smile as she nodded at every detail I throw at her.

When we came downstairs, Paige brushed away the golden strand between her eyes.

"I'm sorry that my mom had put you up with this." she sighed.

"I tried to talk her out of the occasion, but Mom wouldn't go for it."

"She thinks it would be nice to forget the terrible hospital food, the medications, and especially the disaster at the museum."

"Well," I began slowly. "Your mom did a good job."

Paige gives me an unsure look.

"Are you sure it is alright for you and your mom to come?" Paige ask.

I nodded.

"I hate the activities, but I am only coming so you wouldn't be alone." I said with a smile on my face.

Paige smiled back then patted my shoulder gently.

"Thanks Picasso," she replied.

"So anyways," I began. "Where's Jared?"

As soon as I mentioned her twin brother, Paige rolled her eyes and stared blankly at the ceiling.

"The dork left early for a therapist's appointment."

During Paige's recovery, their parents made it mandatory for Jared to participate in a therapy group center every Mondays and Fridays.

The old Jared would have text, or call, to describe how boring it was in there. However, the new Jared couldn't careless about my attempts to bond with him.

Everyday, he avoids my gaze at lunch, he wouldn't even notice me, and whenever I left a voicemail for Jared, he doesn't respond to it.

Sometimes, I wonder what happened to the boy whose reticent to ask me out or watches me wherever I go.

Sensing my thoughts, Paige slung her arm around my shoulder then advised me not to worry about Jared.

"Maybe we should give him some time to himself," Paige suggested.

"and before you know it, Jared will be on your front doorstep, asking you on a date."

Though I wasn't surprised that Paige knew about Jared's feelings for me, I am surprised how calm she is when she talks about her brother.

Normally, Paige would complain about her brother's faults, but now she too wished that he was here.

Just then, a loud siren of a car horn interrupted my thoughts of Jared. I turned to see Uncle Seth, smiling in his black Suburban.

He wore a red plaid t-shirt with denim jeans, and brown boots. A grey woolen cap stuck on his head and his hair and beard glimmered like bright copper pennies.

If he carried an axe or dirty gloves, I can easily picture him as a lumberjack.

"Hey Cleo," Uncle Seth waved. "Hello Paige."

We both waved back at him. Hoisting the straps of my backpack, I said goodbye to Paige and squeezed in the back of Uncle Seth's car.

With a twist of the ignition, the car roared to life and shifted its weight off of the parking lot.

After clearing my throat, I asked Uncle Seth if he and Dad are going to the karaoke bar.

"Right now? In the afternoon?" he smirked.

"It wouldn't be that exciting. How come?"

Crimson appeared on my cheeks.

"Nothing," I murmured.

"Come on, Cleo." Uncle Seth urged. "Does this have something to do with Jared?"

A sigh escaped from my throat.

"Yes," I admitted.

"I want to know what's going on with Jared. He wouldn't talk to me or even look at my face."

"Did he hit on you?" Uncle Seth asked.

I gave him one of Mom's lecturing looks.

"I'm being serious," I said firmly.

"Ugh, can't take a joke these days." he sighed.

"Jared is going to be fine, Cleo. That museum mayhem did a huge number on him. To be honest, I can relate to him on some levels."

He didn't speak after that.

"When are you guys going to be back?" he asked, changing the subject.

I did a casual shrug, telling him that we will be home around midnight.

"What about you guys?" I inquired. I saw the corners of my uncle's smile alleviated.

"We are going to party all night!" he beamed with his right fist in the air.

I rolled my eyes. My uncle has been like this since yesterday. Wait, scratch that, he is always like this.

Just as soon as we reach home, I threw my backpack onto the couch, took a long hot shower, and wore a cotton blue blouse with knee high red shorts.

Since we didn't have any homework for the week, I have decided to play on my Rubik Cube.

Just when I started to carry my backpack strap over my shoulder, a bang on the door interrupted me.

I laid my heavy bag on one of the stairs and reluctantly made my way in front of the door. I wanted to fled to my room and get my taser, but as soon as I saw Paige's mother on the doorstep, I changed my mind.

Unlike Paige, Ms. Clayton had golden blond hair, a heart shaped face, and a cutie mark underneath her eye.

She wore a pink jogging sweater, long black sweatpants, and tennis sneakers.

"Hello, Mrs. Clayton." I beamed. "Are you taking a jog?"

She nodded very eagerly, wiping the sweat from her eyebrows.

"I am just here to tell you about the Girl's Night Out." Mrs. Clayton explained.

"Around six o'clock, we will be going to the spa."

My smile instantly shrank. I hated going to the spa, even the word makes my skin crawl.

I despise mud masks, massages, and especially scalding hot baths. But there is no way I would say that to her face.

"Cool," I lied. "That sounds great! I'll tell my mom about it."

Mrs. Clayton gave me a heartwarming smile.

"Don't forget," she insisted. "It begins at six o'clock."

I gave her a firm nod then watched as she jogged away.

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