Chapter 22: Stuck In the Bathroom

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You have got to be kidding me. I thought nervously. Quietly, I turned around then tiptoed into the girls' bathroom, looking back to make sure the thug didn't follow me. Luckily, he was too busy minding the ceiling that he didn't noticed me. I closed the door behind me then paced back and forth.

I had the urge to call Uncle Seth and tell him everything, but what if he gets hurt confronting that guy? Mom and Dad were beyond my help, so it's just me. Taking a deep breath, I took out my taser out of my backpack then stuffed them into my pockets. I closed my bag then resumed my trail outside. I know it was stupid, but I had an idea that might work.

I checked to see the thug loitering near the lockers. Stealthily, I went up to him, covered his mouth, then tasered him on the back of the neck. The creep let out a shriek, biting my hand very hard. His hands still linger on the trigger. Immediately, I kicked the massive gun out of his hand then knocked him out with a single punch.

The thug's body hit the ground, but I saw his hand going for the gun. I slammed my foot down on his hand then told him to not to move. The man froze at my command. "How many more of you are there?" I demanded. He let out a low chuckle, earning him another bruise on his hand. "Fine!" he insisted. "There are twenty of us."

Twenty?! "Why did Mr. Pao sent you?" I asked. "He wanted us to find Jerry," he answered. "He thought Jerry snitched so Mr. Pao made us take care of it." For a moment, I saw something in his pocket. I dug my hand inside it and found an old walkie talkie. I put it back into my pocket then tasered him once more, leaving him unconscious.

I knew I couldn't leave the body and the gun so I opened the door to Isabel's locker and shoved both of them inside. The gun fits perfectly, but the body I had to try a couple of times before I can closed the door on him. Breathing heavily, I ran back to the girl's bathroom then paced some more.

I am such an idiot! I slapped my face in frustration. What the heck is wrong with me? Putting a thug inside my enemy's locker?  Reaching into my coat pocket, I dialed Dad's number. I waited for a couple a minutes before the other line picked up. "Hey Cleo," Dad beamed. "How-"

"I need your help," I interrupted. "Mr. Pao sends his goons at Washington High so he can get back at Jerry for telling the authorities." "What?" Dad cried. "How did you know about this?" "His goon told me everything," I responded. "He told you?" Dad repeated stiffly. "Technically, I took him out and shoved him in a locker." I admitted.

"Where are you?" he asked. "Are you hurt?" "No, Dad." I insisted. "I am in the girl's bathroom and I have the guy's walkie-talkie." "Good," he said. "Just stay hidden, your mother and I will come and get you." "Okay," I replied. "I'll call you if I need anything." As soon as I hang up the phone, I had a crazy idea to get into the computer lab.

Maybe, I could hack into the surveillance cameras and see what's going on. But as soon as I heard a couple of gunshots and loud screams, I thought it would be risky. Suddenly, I heard some commotion in the walkie-talkie.

I reluctantly took the device then swallowed a gulp. If I communicated with the enemy, they will kill me, but I don't communicate then they will find the body in the locker and hunt me down.

However, the walkie-talkie sputtered and groaned. It seemed like it didn't work right. Surprisingly, a familiar voice slid out of the speaker. "Hello?" it said urgently. "Hello? Are you there? Have you found him?"

"No," I responded in a deep voice. "He is not in the school." The other line let out a sigh then cursed something in Chinese. "Kill the hostages," it commanded. Eventually, the man signed out, leaving me confused.

Was that Mr. Pao? I wondered. His voice was a lot deeper than I thought. The stranger had an almost high-pitched squeaky voice. It reminded me of Pi's. I searched through my phone gallery, swapping photos one by one until I found the picture I was looking for: the Chinese wooden box.

I enlarged the image and search for some more clues. Maybe I must have missed something important. The letters carved on the box were the same, and so was the lid. However, there was something carved on the bottom right hand corner of the box.

Thin letters sketched on the box as it spelt the words: Property of Lucy Pi. Lucy Pi? I thought. I looked back the moment when I came to Pi's antique store. The man didn't have a wedding ring, no photos on his desk, but I remember he wore a locket that was meant for a little girl's.

Immediately, I dialed Uncle Seth's phone number and waited for him to pick up. "Hey Cleo," he greeted. "Hey," I greeted back. "Can you look up Pi's files?" "I am way a heard of you," I heard him chuckle.

"What do you want to know?" "Does Pi have a daughter?" I asked. I heard a couple of computer keys typing then a blink. "Yeah," he answered. "Pi used to have a family back in Taiwan, but thanks to Mr.Pao, his home has been wiped out, and his wife and daughter had been gunned down by his goons."

My eyes widened at this. "Did Pi used to have a job?" I asked. "Before becoming an antique owner?" "He used to be a mob leader," Uncle Seth answered. "Or he was until Mr. Pao showed up. Why?" "Because," I began. "I figured out Pi's motive."

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