Inazuma Chapter 2 Raiden Shogun

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Only one Genshin Character has TF2 Logo

Hint - Female

Vision - Hydro


Time: ???
Location: Inazuma, Kamisato Estate
Status: Normal

3 Days Later, We return back to Kamisato Estate after fulfilling Ayaka's Wishes, this time we will meet her in person.

Paimon: Oh, Ayaka! Guess who fulfilled all your wishes~!




Paimon: Ayaka?

Kayden: Don't tell me she's gone.

Me and my buddy walk closer to the uh... some kind of wooden wall place design?

I am not Familiar with Japanese culture non other than freakin anime.

Thoma pull us over and we saw Ayaka came out holding a Fan, she closes it and we finally see her on person. Kayden smiles.

Ayaka: Travelers, Paimon... it is a pleasure to finally meet you both face-to-face, hehe.


Ayaka: ? huh?

Paimon: Don't worry, he can be like this sometimes. trying to cheer our moods up.

Ayaka: oh okay... So I have heard all about how you helped our three friends. My sincerest thanks to you.

Aether: The Damage done by losing a Vision can't be completely undone.

Paimon: *sigh* yeah.... short of getting them their Visions back, it seems like there's no way to really help them...

Kayden: Same either, Im not a Doctor.

Kayden was keep eyeing on Ayaka.

Kayden: Jesus christ, how big is her forehead

Paimon: Um, Ayaka- How come this time you get to come out and meet us in person?

Ayaka: Hehe, because now that you have done the three things I asked of you, I consider you to be my friends. As you will observe, I dispense with the screen for Thoma, also.

Thoma: mhm.

Paimon: Wait a second, but isn't Thoma your, um... servant? Paimon's Happy to help and all, but Paimon sure as heck did not sign up to be a servant!

Ayaka: Oh..! Ahahaha, Paimon you are most entertaining. Thoma is first and foremost my friend, and was so before he ever became my attendant.

Paimon: Oh, okay then... Ayaka, you seem pretty different out in the open compared to how you are behind the screen. Mmm... Alright, we can be friends.

Aether: Friend request accepted.

Kayden: Do i need to open my steam and accept friend request for you?

Ayaka: what?

Kayden: Nothing :v

Ayaka: .... Alright, Back to the matter at hand. You have now witnessed the pain of those deprived of their Visions... What are your feelings on what you have seen?

Kayden: Mental Torture is the right word for losing a Vision.

Ayaka: *sigh* ... Perhaps, in the eyes of a deity such as the Almighty Shogun, the lives of those who inhabit the world are inconsequential... Thunder's roar, Lightning's flash, the wind's assault, and the rain's descent... all these things take place with no regards for the feelings of the common people. But I believe that surely you understand what they must endure

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