Chapter 7 Retrieve the Holy Lyre

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i don't like pro gibus :)

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Time: 3:02 AM
Location: Mondstadt, Angel's Share
Status: Normal

Kayden, Venti and Aether get inside the Angel's Share. The Plan Failed to get the Holy Lyre because of an Unknown female individual with the mask stole it before Kayden does.

Kayden: Phew, that was uh.. close i guess.

Kayden Saw Only 2 People inside here.

ID Name: Charles
ID Name: Diluc

Venti: Hi, we'd Like a seat at your ahhhh.. Least conspicuous table.

Diluc: Umm... The Second floor has fewer customers, You'd be less conspicuous up there.. But Aren't you a bard? Why not sit front and center?

Venti: hahaha, let's save the paid performance for next time. We'll be heading up now, see you in a bit!

We Followed Venti from upstairs, we listen downstairs since we heard some knights talking to a red hair guy name Diluc.

We headed back downstairs and Venti already had a glass of liquor.

Venti: Today I Think I'll have a glass of...

Diluc: You can put down that bottle you stole from behind the counter.

Venti put down the Bottle on the counter.

Venti: ....Something cold.

Diluc: Right. I Want answers.

Venti: Lemme finish my drink first? I'll pay you - well, with a performance.

Diluc: It's not about money. You seem too young to be drinking.

Venti: No need to worry. When I Started drinking, you were still -

Aether: and he is..

Venti: He is master diluc, the boss of.. Ah, the owner of this tavern.. He's very famous. By the way, his dandelion wine is one of my favorites. Though most of the time I can only afford a bottle or two..

Kayden: man, saying that makes me want to try..

Diluc: I Just heard about thieves from the guards. For the record, I Like your guts for trying to steal the holy lyre der himmel. Even if you are feeling.. But we don't often get to see people like you.

Kayden: well. I Did try to steal the holy lyre ti'll someone just popped out of nowhere and stole the holy lyre from my eyes and disappeared. That damn b*tch..

Venti: This is the hotshots of the Knights of Favonius, Aether and Kayden. Why would someone so aspiring steal Mondstadt's sacred treasure?

Diluc: hotshots? Oh, so it's the 3 of you.

Kayden: yep..

Diluc: So two of you and the bard are close friends?

Kayden: I mean we only met him.

Diluc: Well.. Despite only being a passing traveler, you still offered your help to mondstadt in its time of need. A Shame you joined the knights.

Kayden: Me Neither since Jean gave us a title of Honorary knight during our quest of the temples, but I feel bad for them for not accepting it in an instant.

Diluc: The Knights of Favonius... Inefficient right from beginning to end. And Towards the Fatui? Weak And conversative. Forget it. I Don't feel like talking about it.

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