Chapter 3: Starting a New Life!

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Another tiring day...

Coming to her apartment from a part-time job, Claire walked up the stairs until she reached the third floor. She lazily unlocked her door and pushed it open.

"I'm home..." She announced her presence to her empty, lonely room. The walls replied with their unmoving silence.

Claire walked in and closed the door behind her. I live by myself, so of course there's no reply. She kicked off her shoes without a care in the world. One can only dream.

She stood in front of the mirror, seeing a familiar blonde girl with defeated blue eyes staring back at her. Huh, I look like a mess. An exhausted sigh escaped her dry and dull lips.

Claire turned to her bed. She forced her feet forward, moving one in front of the other until she could plop down on the mattress.

An ordinary day after an ordinary day. She buried her head under the pillow, too tired to even think. Get up in the morning, go to work as usual, leave work, go to eat, go home and sleep. Rinse and repeat. That was her life. A rather monotonous life. Every day, it's the same pattern. It's a cycle she wished she could break out of. It bored her to death. I feel I'm losing my mind...

Isn't there something exciting out there in the world...?

Claire pushed herself off the bed and adjusted to a sitting position. She stared down at her hands which appeared frail. This isn't the life she wanted. She didn't want to be working so much for so little. She didn't want to be chained to this mundane life. And yet, she knew she couldn't stop. The apartment rent was expensive; she had to make ends meet. Ramen was her best friend in her food budget. Unhealthy as it may be, she couldn't afford to live the life she deserved.

But... I guess there isn't anything out there for me. Claire bowed her head, her body bent over. Well, I have to work tomorrow. She glanced at the clock on the wall. It's getting late...

Claire stood from the bed and walked to her table. There was a newspaper on it. I'll read the paper first and then go to bed. She sat on a chair and began flipping through the newspaper. Sounds of paper rustling accompanied her loneliness. Reading the newspaper was her favorite activity to relax, except it was the only activity she did after work. I wonder what's going on in the world...?

Her eyes scanned word after word, line after line, paragraph after paragraph. News that she already read before. News that didn't interest her. News that she didn't care enough for. Nothing interesting so far. She rested her head on her hand, her eyes zoning in and out. I'll just head to... huh? What's this?

A certain advertisement caught her attention. She shifted the paper closer and held it with both hands. It was a picture of a colorful farm with a caption below it that read:

Would you like to enjoy a peaceful and refreshing farm life?

For more info, please contact MT Realtor through:


Claire drew her chin back and stared off into the distance. A farm...? What would that kind of life have in store for her? That sounded like a much better life. Wishful fantasies flashed through her mind. Exciting fantasies.

She imagined herself tending to animals. Maybe a cow? She could brush the cow and bond with it. What about horse riding? Maybe she could get herself a horse and ride into the sunset. Oh, and I could raise a pet! She adored little animals like cats and dogs. Unfortunately, her apartment had a zero-tolerance no-pet policy. Then I could lie down on the lush meadows and stare into the night skies without any worry...! She could breathe in the fresh country air!

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