Chapter 9: The Basics

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Two people were standing in front of their house. One had a familiar red hat, and the other was a new face.

"Good morning, Pete and Claire!" Thomas greeted them with a welcoming smile.

"Mayor Thomas?" Pete's eyes widened in surprise. They didn't expect to see him first thing in the morning.

"It's good to see you two have settled in." Thomas tipped his hat. "I know we had a rough start yesterday, but I would like to officially welcome you as residents of Mineral Town!"

"Oh, thank you." Pete and Claire exchanged glances with each other. They smiled at the mayor. Start of our life in Mineral Town, huh?

"And Claire." Thomas gave her a pouch full of gold. "As promised, here's your refund from MT Realtor. I deeply apologize for the inconveniences that were the result of my carelessness."

"Mayor Thomas..." Claire accepted the pouch and stared into its contents. How did he manage to get the refund in such a short amount of time? It surprised her.

"Isn't that great, Claire?" Pete gently patted her shoulder.

"Thank you so much!" Claire bowed her head, visibly grateful. "And, uh... I'm sorry for almost trying to... hurt you. I wasn't in the right state of mind yesterday..."

"It's all water under the bridge now." Thomas waved his hands. That was what drove him to try his hardest in acquiring the refund. The crazy things I can do when my life is potentially on the line.

"Did you come here just to greet us and return her gold?" Pete asked. "I hope it's not a bother."

"It's simply my responsibility as the mayor," Thomas answered. "And you two must be new to farm life, so I'd like to explain a few things!"

Thomas explained some basics to them. He said that the old man's equipment was in the chest (or more accurately, the toolbox) which Pete found out yesterday. There were also various shops spread around the town which they could buy items from as long as they were open.

"Ultimately, the farm is in your hands, and you can do whatever you'd like with it."

"Hmmm, we haven't decided what we're going to do." Pete folded his arms.

"May I recommend focusing on earning a little money first to make life a touch easier? Thomas suggested. "There are many things in the forest you can forage and ship for a little pocket change, for example."

With the 10,000 gold Claire has on hand, money wouldn't be a big issue for now. Though they would have to figure out how to build a steady source of income.

"And once you're free for the day, I suggest taking a stroll around the town and meeting the local residents." Thomas turned to the farm's entrance. "If you follow the road from the farm to your right, you'll find several of your neighbors. I'm sure they'd be eager to chat or give advice."

"Thanks for the tip, Mayor Thomas." Pete gave a thumbs up.

"We'll be sure to explore what Mineral Town has to offer!" Claire smiled.

"Great! That ought to do for today, then!" Thomas clapped his hands. "I'll drop by to see how you're doing again soon. Zack here will continue on my behalf. Good luck!"

Thomas turned around in a hurry and left the farm. The Zack person approached them. He was quite muscular with well-defined arms, further accentuated by his short-sleeved white shirt. His brown flattop haircut and thick eyebrows stood out and his height towered over the two newcomers.

 His brown flattop haircut and thick eyebrows stood out and his height towered over the two newcomers

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Our Story of Seasons: Pete X ClaireWhere stories live. Discover now