Chapter 12: Doubts

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After breakfast, Claire was curious about what else the Inn had to offer. She stood in front of the counter to look over the menu, seeing the available food and drinks

"Are you still going to eat something?" Pete patted his stomach. "I am stuffed."

"Maybe." Claire scanned the menu line by line. "I need some dessert to top it all off."

"You have room for dessert?"

"There's always room for dessert!" was her enthusiastic response.

Pete just shook his head at her and laid his back on the counter. Beside him was a telephone. Oh, they have a telephone here...? He stared at it for a moment. Oh... I think I should call them. After everything that happened yesterday, he had to inform this situation.

Pete walked up to it and noticed a coin slot. 10 G... sure, why not? He inserted money into it, dialed a number, and picked up the phone.

"Pete, would you like to buy this–...?" Claire turned her head to Pete and saw him calling someone. Oh, who's he calling...?



"Hey, mom..." Pete rested his arms on the table. One was plopped upright, holding the phone to his ear. "It's me, Pete."

"Pete...?" The voice turned from a neutral tone to a relieved one. "Oh, I'm so glad to hear back from you. Have you already reached Mineral Town?"

"Yes, I just arrived yesterday," Pete replied. "How's dad doing?"

"Dad's tending to your little garden." His mother chuckled. "I have a feeling he's already homesick for his son."

"Is that right..." Pete bowed his head. Never change, dad.

"Did you come by the farm?" His mother asked. "The old man must have been very delighted to see you again!"

"Ah, about that, mom..." Pete cast his gaze away. "A lot of... things happened yesterday."

"What's wrong, dear?" Her tone grew concerned.

"I... didn't get a chance to meet him."

"Oh, why's that?"

"He, uh..." Pete took a deep breath. "I found out he... passed away six months ago."

Pete... Claire observed his hand. The way his fingers trembled as they gripped the phone. The way his voice barely cracked as he mentioned the passing of someone beloved to him. It's hurting him. She should have figured as much. It was only yesterday when he discovered the fact. With how Pete was acting towards her, she might have taken his act for granted. He's conflicted about it. Even so, he was still kind enough to let her be involved in the farm.

"Oh..." A moment of silence passed by. "I'm so sorry to hear that, Pete."

"And... I think won't be back for a long while."

"You're not planning to return soon...?"

"The old man... left a will." Pete continued. "He said he was leaving the farm to me..."

"Are you... taking over the farm?"


"... That sounds like you." A hint of a smile grew in her voice. "I'm sure you'll make him proud."

Pete expected his mother to have a much stronger reaction. But she must have understood by his voice. That he wanted to uphold his grandfather's memory. That this was something he wanted to do. That he had conviction. She wouldn't go against that if that was what her son truly desired.

"Please... return home once in a while, okay?" his mother sobbed lightly. "I love you, Pete."

"... Love you too, mom." Pete closed his eyes. "Send my regards to dad."


After the call disconnected, Pete put the phone back. A deep sigh escaped his lips. His heart felt heavy from the conversation. He still hasn't confronted the reality that he would be picking up the mantle. It was a decision he took on a whim if he was honest with himself. Am I even ready to–...

"Ahh?!" A cold and wet sensation struck his cheek and made him flinch away, breaking him out of his negative train of thought. His face turned to the side.

"A cold, orange drink." Claire smiled and offered him juice. "It's on the house."

"... you bought this for me?" Pete stared at the icy glass before accepting it.

"Something to water down your breakfast with."

"... Thanks, I guess." Pete took a sip of the drink. It's... sweet. Strangely, it made his lips curl up a little; it distracted him from his doubts.

Claire observed his expression from the corner of her eye. She wasn't sure why she bought him a drink. But the face he had a moment ago. It wasn't an expression she liked seeing. It didn't suit him. The smile he has now, as little as it may be, was much better.

"Now that we're done with baths and breakfast..." Claire turned to him. "What's the plan?"


"You know... about our farm." She drew her chin up. "We haven't really talked about it."

"Oh, right." Pete tilted his glass slightly. I might have an idea, actually...

"I don't know the first thing about farming," she twirled a finger around her hair bang, "but I'd love to learn."

With the entire field and their farm structures, Claire wouldn't know where to start. It feels overwhelming... but it wasn't the stressful kind of way. She could raise the fields or maybe tend to animals. She could even forage in the forests. There's a first time for everything! Where do we even begin...?

"I think I know where we can start." Pete finished his juice and set it on the counter.

"Oh?" She blinked. "Do you have an idea?"

"The basics." Pete nodded. "Let's head to the supermarket."

"The supermarket?" Claire cocked her head at an angle. "Do you know where that is?"

Pete stepped away from the counter. "I have a hunch."

"Oh, are you two leaving already?" Ran asked from behind the counter. "Please come again soon! We'd be delighted to have you again."

"Of course... Ran." Pete waved as he walked to the door.

"This won't be our last time!" Claire grinned and waved back. "See you, Ran! Mr. Dudley!"

"Please come again!" Dudley smiled, directing his gaze to Pete. "My daughter could use the company!"

"Dad, I told you to quit it!" Ran fumed and punched her dad's shoulder.

And just like that, Pete and Claire have met two more colorful residents of Mineral Town.

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