Chapter Two

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A/N: Happy late Valentine's Day! ♡〜٩(^^)۶〜♡
Welp, majority rules, so I'm continuing this~! For some reason you guys like player!Katsuki x Bitc—Sassy!Izuku (*д*)
Again, updates will be slower than Star Damaged, so if anyone whines about it, I'm gonna laugh at you (((皿≦メ)))
ー═┻┳︻▄ξ( ︻┻┳═一
Lmao, I can't believe how many of you remember Olixandra. I don't remember you guys hating on her that much lol ˚(* ˃̤˂̤ *)˚
Pic credits to Khaisilyn on DA!

I woke up at six o'clock as usual to my alarm going off; I silenced it and tried, unsuccessfully, to move away from Kacchan. I had my head on his chest and my leg draped over his crotch, which, as usual, was already full of the 'morning glory' that happened to all alphas.

He had his hand on my knee, pinning my leg there, and his other arm wrapped tightly around my waist. As I tried to move, he tightened his hold, mumbling something in his sleep about not wanting to go to college anymore. I moved my arm and tapped on his stomach.

"Six o'clock," I mumbled, tapping him again when he didn't open his eyes.

He groaned and tightened his grip, pulling me so that I was completely on top of him. I grunted and tried to wriggle free, but he squashed me tightly to his chest. I could barely even breathe because his hold was so tight. Frowning, I pinched his arm.

"Kacchan!" I hissed angrily.

He snapped his eyes open and looked at me, shocked. His expression quickly changed to his trademark smirk, and I wanted to slap it right off his face because he was clearly amused at the position we were in.

"Well good morning, Deku. Wow, this is a first," he purred, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

I wriggled again and cringed as we rubbed together in intimate places that I would rather not think about my brother's playboy of a best friend touching.

"Will you let go of me, for God's sake?" I snapped quietly, not wanting Yo to hear me. When he raised his hands in surrender, I quickly rolled off him, grumbling, "It's six."

He sighed and rolled onto his side to look at me. "Don't be mad at me all day today, please. I didn't know I did that, I'm sorry, okay?" He bent and kissed my forehead softly before pushing himself out of the bed and collecting his clothes off the floor.

"Okay, whatever," I yawned, snuggling into his warm spot on the bed where he had been sleeping. Hehe, now I had it all to myself!

"I'll see you later." He shot me a wink before climbing out of my window, still tugging on his sweater. Rolling over, I buried my face into his pillow. I could still smell him and it made me feel safe and calm. I drifted back to peaceful sleep for another hour.

After getting dressed more relaxed than yesterday, I put on some music and was happily dancing down the hallway when I spotted Kacchan eating my cereal again. Ugh, every freaking day! I sighed and stole the bowl out of his hands.

"Damn it, Kacchan, there's like four other cereals in the cupboard, yet you only eat mine! Why. Do. You. Do. It?! Just to piss me off?" I ranted, frowning as I started munching on my breakfast.

An amused smile graced his full lips. "Good morning to you too."

"Right, hi." I plopped down and ate my cereal as Yo came into the kitchen.

"Hey, guys, you almost ready to go?" Yo asked, biting into an apple. Katsuki nodded, so I scoffed the last of my breakfast and set the bowl in the sink, running to catch up with them as they left the house.

|When ᕼᴀтᴇ Wants 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮| [BakuDeku]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang