Chapter Four

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A/N: Just a head's up for those who were asking, there will be no Itsuki in this story. She's a special girl made specifically for Star Damaged, and still has yet to serve her time lol (*'艸`*)
As for those of you who were confused as hell from the other characters that people were making death threats at... well I ain't even gonna sugarcoat it for ya: if you haven't read my other book yet, then you're seriously missing out on my Easter eggs lmao ( ‾̀‾́)σ»
Unless you love Shoto, in that case you're gonna have a really bad time and probably shouldn't read it lol (・∧‐)
Enjoy~! **٩(ิ๑)۶**

I woke up the next morning to my phone ringing annoyingly loud somewhere nearby, making my head pound. I stretched out my hand to get it, but I couldn't reach. I stretched a little further and managed to knock it onto the bed so I could answer it.

"Hello?" I yawned.

An angry female voice ranted, "Izuku! Where the hell are you? We're supposed to be practicing!"

I winced away from the sound and tried to get up, but Kacchan was near enough lying on top of me. He was pinning me on my stomach, his arm and leg thrown over me, and he was using my back as a pillow. It was surprisingly comfortable.

"Mina?" I croaked, looking at my alarm clock, but the numbers were all blurry; I couldn't make it out. I squeezed my eyes shut, then opened them to see that the time was now 8:42 a.m.

Oh. Oh shit!

"Yeah. Who the hell else do you think it's gonna be? You were supposed to be here at eight thirty, Izuku. Are you coming or what?" she asked, clearly annoyed.

"Um, yeah, I'm on my way."

Kacchan groaned. "Tell her that it's Saturday and I'm fucking tired," he moaned into my back. I chuckled at his sleepy voice and wriggled so that he'd move off me and I could get up.

"Listen, Izuku, kick that hot piece of ass out of your bed and get over here! We have a new routine and you need to learn it," Mina instructed, her tone amused now. She'd obviously heard Kacchan's voice.

Mina was the only person who knew that he stayed with me; she didn't know the whole story as to why, but she knew that he did, though she only thought it was a Friday night after the party, not everyday. I'd had to tell Mina something because Katsuki drove me to my dance practice every Saturday, hung-over or not, so Mina became suspicious and started asking too many questions.

Kacchan grumbled about having to take me to dance practice, of course, especially if he was still feeling the effects of the late night, so he'd imposed two conditions that worked out in his favor. One, I buy lunch, and two, I don't tell my brother. Both of which were fine with me.

Yo knew I danced, but he had never actually seen me do it – I had a feeling he wouldn't like it too much if he did. Katsuki and Mina got along remarkably well, which actually really surprised me at first because I wouldn't have thought that a macho ice hockey player could be friends with an energetic dancer who liked to wear something pink every day. Shows how much I know.

"I'll be there in a bit, and I'll bring doughnuts to apologize, okay?" I offered sweetly. I didn't want her annoyed with me all morning; she would work me twice as hard.

Mina sighed dramatically, "Fine, just hurry up."

I pushed my phone back onto the side and wriggled a little more because he still hadn't taken the hint and moved. "Kacchan, Mina said I need to kick your hot ass out of my bed and get over there – fast." I chuckled.

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