Chapter One

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I woke up to the familiar sensation of being crushed; I wriggled, pushing my shoulder backwards. Kacchan shifted his weight off me slightly. He was spooning me from behind, breathing deeply into the back of my hair.

His heavy arm was draped over me, pinning my arms to my chest as he held my hand tightly. Where his leg was casually slung over mine, I could feel the usual 'morning glory' pushing against the small of my back. I quickly silenced my phone alarm and elbowed him in the stomach.

"Six o'clock," I mumbled sleepily, closing my eyes again.

He grunted, tightening his hold on me. "Ten more minutes, Deku. I'm still tired."

"Nope, no ten more minutes. Last time it turned into another hour, and Yo almost caught you in here," I mumbled, elbowing him in the stomach again.

He moved his arm and pinned my hands down to the bed near my head, in a praying position. "Just ten more minutes," he whined.

I sighed and closed my eyes again. There was no arguing with him when he was like this; I didn't have the energy this time of the morning to get into a fight with him. We both drifted back to sleep, instantly.

"Izuku, you better already be up!" my brother shouted, banging on the door. I jerked up and so did Kacchan. It was almost half past seven.

"Uh... yeah I'm up already, Yo," I lied, frowning over my shoulder at Kacchan who was rubbing his face, looking a bit tired.

"Good. I'm going to have breakfast. Hurry up. Katsuki's driving today so be ready to leave in thirty minutes," Yo called through the door, before stomping off down the hall.

"Jeez, Deku, why didn't you wake me up?" Kacchan growled, yawning and stretching his arms above his head.

I raised one eyebrow incredulously. "I did, you jerk! You said 'ten more minutes' then pinned me to the bed to stop me from elbowing you!" I growled sarcastically, doing a terrible impression of his voice.

He chuckled wickedly and dived for me, pushing me back down onto the bed and pinning my hands above my head as he rolled on top of me. "Pinned you to the bed? Were you dreaming about me again? I could make that dream come true for you," he mocked. His face was inches from mine and his crimson eyes glittered with mischief.

I scoffed and clenched my hands into fists, not giving him the satisfaction of watching me attempt to fight him off. I wasn't in a playful mood today. "Yeah, you wish!" I retorted sarcastically. "Now get the hell off me, and go get ready. You're driving today, apparently," I hissed, nodding to the window in a clear signal that he should leave.

He sighed heavily and pushed himself off me, pulling on his jeans and T-shirt without speaking to me again. We rarely had anything nice to say to each other, so the silent treatment was nothing unusual. I sat up, watching as he climbed out of the window before sliding it back down after himself. I huffed and scowled down at my alarm clock, wondering if I had time to have a quick shower before school.

Exactly twenty-six minutes later, I trudged into the kitchen. I scowled as I spotted Katsuki leaning casually against the counter. His blond hair was messy in his usual 'just got out of bed' look, which, to be honest, he did get out of bed and it looked just like that.

All he ever did was run his hands through it a few times and add a bit of styling wax. He looked the same as he did every morning, like a freaking supermodel. Low-slung, ripped jeans covered his legs, revealing the waistband of his boxers – that usually made the girls swoon.

Today he paired his jeans with a white T-shirt that showed off his perfect sculpted body, and an orange and grey checked short sleeve shirt over it, which he wore completely unbuttoned. His red eyes were glittering with amusement as he looked at me, and raised a spoonful of the only cereal I liked to his lips.

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