Chapter Nine

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A/N: Far, far away in some dark cavern, the lid of a coffin slowly creaks open as a pair of terrified eyes peek out at the glaring pointed reds of the world...

Holy shit, what the actual freak, when did this book reach 100k??!
Welp, clearly I'm the biggest liar that I know, not updating for almost another year hahaha  (n˘v˘•)¬
My only excuse is that life picked up for me, I got a job last year and school's got me dancing on the edge of a knife. For some reason I only remembered this time around is because of a Discord friend that I met last year (not in a BKDK/MHA/BNHA related server, strangely enough lol) and she's been getting back to writing bkdk recently. Which inspired me to end my hiatus because I remembered how fun it was to write and edit. So you can thank her for that, but she has no idea I have this account, so maybe she'll find out herself someday cuz I don't wanna flex lol. We'll see if she ever figures out my secret identity (*'艸`*)

Anyanyways, since I've left you guys hanging for longer than I had initially promised (y'all really trying to be cute with your monthly countdown lmao) so to make up for it and the perfect timing of the occasion (for once lol) I'll do a double chapter release! One today, and one in 12 hours for Valentine's Day~! So with this, hopefully you can forgive me, and please enjoy! (*Vдv)

I woke up in the morning with a huge smile on my face. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and I had woken up next to the world's most beautiful boy, who just so happened to be in love with me. I smiled against his arm that I was lying on and pressed back into him, feeling his hard chest press into my back where he was spooning me.

"Kacchan?" I whispered, turning my head in his direction. His arms tightened around me as he slowly opened his eyes, his red eyes finding mine. "Hey," he mumbled sleepily, lifting his head so he could kiss my forehead.

"Wow, I love waking up knowing that you're finally mine." He laid his head back down and sighed contentedly as I rolled to face him. "So, can we tell people we're dating today?" he asked, yawning.

"Ah... no... Sorry Kacchan, not today. I still need to do a bit more stage work on that," I replied, running my hand down his chest, tracing the bumps of his muscles.

He groaned. "By 'stage work', you don't mean you're going to flirt and make me horny as hell again like yesterday, do you?" he asked, looking at me pleadingly.

I chuckled, hiding my face against his shoulder. "You'll have to wait and see, won't you? Oh, and I give you my permission to touch me today if you want," I offered casually. I pushed myself up a little, propping my head up on my elbow so I could see him better.

A wicked grin crossed his face. "Hmm... touch you, like this?" he whispered. His fingers trailed across my body slowly, from my face, down my neck, across my chest and stomach, finally settling just on the inside of my thigh. His hand was so close to my core that I couldn't stop the little moan that escaped my lips. He traced his fingertips across my leg, making me whimper as some sort of primal need built inside me.

"Don't, Kacchan," I begged. I said the words, but at the same time I moved my hips unconsciously, trying to get closer to his hand.

He laughed, putting his lips so they were almost touching mine. "Promise you won't tease me too hard today at school," he murmured against my lips as he moved his hand away to the outside of my thigh.

"I won't tease you too much... but I can't promise you won't get hard," I teased, twisting his words.

He crashed his lips to mine, and I could feel he was smiling. "Damned tease! You don't even know what you're doing to me," he growled, kissing my neck gently. I giggled, wrapping my arms around his neck as I kissed him back. He pulled away after a couple of minutes, just as I was getting really into it.

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