Chapter Five

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A/N: Um, you guys know that I was joking about the mafia AU, right? Right? RIGHT??? ( ؔ͟ ؔ͟ )...
Welp, if you didn't, then April Fool's on you lmao (*'')
Ngl, I'm half-tempted, but not really looking forward to delving that complicated world, and most definitely NOT for this story haha. Maybe one day as a oneshot, but not right now.
I said I was posting this chapter early because of Kacchan's birthday, but I never said that I was gonna post ON his birthday lol 💥ψ(`∇ ')ψ💥
Instead, I'm dedicating this chapter to my sweet lil birdie, because I'm sorry that I can't be there for you on your special day. I'll try to make it up to you next time we see each other, and please don't forget that I'm thinking of you. ˘̩̩̩˘̩̩̩
Enjoy~! ('ω`○).+*:+

It took a long time to clear up the house. Someone had puked in the backyard, so I made Yo go out to clean that while I worked on the kitchen, collecting all of the empty cups and bottles. It seemed like the party had gotten a bit out of hand after Kacchan and I had gone to bed, and my drunken idiot of a brother hadn't bothered to stop it.

"This is the very fuckin' reason why I stay sober," Kacchan stated, scrunching his face up in disgust at the vase full of urine on the windowsill in the lounge.

"You stay sober to stop people from peeing in my mom's ornaments?" I asked in horror, doing my best to hold back my shocked giggling.

He nodded. "Surprising, but true. There's always one drunk idiot who can't be fuckin bothered to walk to the bathroom," he joked, making me laugh even harder. He grinned at me just as Yo walked in, casually throwing his pair of rubber gloves into the black sack I was holding.

"Wow, did I actually hear you two laughing at something together in here? That's a first." He glanced over at Katsuki and flinched when he recognized what he was holding. Mom definitely would have a heart attack if she knew what happened to her favorite vase.

"I'll go dump this shit out," Kacchan muttered, walking off quickly. I could tell he was a bit uncomfortable lying to Yo, but I was confident that waiting a couple of weeks would be best, just to make sure this was what we both wanted.

"Yo-nii, can Ochako stay this weekend? Her parents are out of town and she doesn't want to stay in the house on her own," I asked, giving him my puppy dog face.

He grimaced. "Ugh! That girl does nothing but flirt with me, I wouldn't mind so much if she were older, but I mean jeez, she's my little brother's age!" He shuddered, wrinkling his nose in trepidation.

"So, you don't think a sixteen-year-old should go out with an eighteen-year-old?" I probed, trying to be casual.

Clearly he saw through my pitiful attempt at concealing my true motive for asking. One of his eyebrows rose in question as he spoke, "You're not interested in any eighteen-year-olds, are you?"

From the corner of my eye, I saw Kacchan walking back down the hallway towards us. "No, I was talking about Ochako," I lied.

Yo pursed his lips, nodding, seeming satisfied. "No, I don't think they should. I mean, what kind of an eighteen-year-old would even look at a sixteen-year-old that way? It's almost paedophilia," he answered, glancing at Katsuki as he walked past.

I couldn't help but scoff. "It's only two years, Yo, no big deal. You're only freaked out because that's the same age as me. Just because you wouldn't date someone who's my age doesn't mean other alphas feel the same way. Am I right, Kacchan?" I countered, still trying to be casual even though my voice cracked a little when I said his nickname.

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