Chapter XVII - New Beginning Or Not?

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James and Anne bonded on the passed weeks. They fell into the routine. James will invite Anne for a tea into the garden and they will talk random things. James told Anne about his past and all his antics. James admitted to Anne that he was one betrothed to Lady Alice Armstrong, a daughter to Duke of Lousianna, who unfortunately kidnapped at the age of 18 and never found. It has been 2 years since it happened, they were about to get married in spring of 1524. She was rumored to elope with a servant man in their house. James loved Lady Alice and was heartbroken when she disappeared but tried hard to move on.

"I know what you're going through, Anne. I won't pressure you. I used to build my dreams with a woman I am expecting to spend my life with. I am heartbroken when she left and I know it will take time to fully heal. I am not pressuring you. I am here when you're ready, Anne."

Anne thought that James didn't deserve to be left like that. He was so sweat and full of energy, she never thought that he went through a biggest heartbreak.

"I thought I could never love again but when I first saw you, Anne. I knew it. You're the one."

Anne only give him a small smile.

"How about you, Anne? Who is this man I am going to replace?" James teased her.

"He doesn't exist. Not in this life."

"You are talking like you live in the past."

"Maybe yes. Maybe not."

They laughed.

"Seriously. He doesn't exist." Anne wanted to be truthful to James but not all the truth that she come back from past, that she was given the chance to live again to correct the mistake she did in the past. "I had this very bad dream. I fell in love with a married man. He divorced his wife just to be with me. We waited for what, like 7 years then we got married. After 3 years, I only give birth to our daughter and failed to give him a heir. Then he lost his interest with me which drove me to the worst version of myself: jealously, anger, betrayal, all of the negativity consumed me, making me a bitter person who I never thought I will be." Anne looked into James with unshed tears in her eyes and continue.

"The worst of it? He let me beheaded, accused me of all the thing I never do, just to have his new woman be his wife. He never thought of the love we shared for 10 years, and our daughter? She will grow without her mother."

James was silence until she finished her story.

"That is horrible nightmare."

"It feels real." Anne chuckled without any humor. "Sometimes, I can't sleep because I am afraid to have that nightmare again. I am afraid to wake up then find myself in the scaffold of my execution."

James held Anne's both hands and stared into his empty black eyes. There's a window of emptiness in those eyes.

"I will erase those nightmares with real and happy memories of us together, Anne. I promised.'' James kissed Anne's hand.


Two weeks before the wedding of Anne and James, an unexpected news that will ruin everything they planned. The whole land of England was shaken when a certain lady appeared out of nowhere. Anne did not care about the news, she was busy with her upcoming wedding. She already bid her farewell to the Queen and she was gifted with so many jewelries and dress from Spain. It was her last day in the Hampton Palace, she looked around it. This palace where all the sweet and bitter memories of her past happen, as she leave this place, she will bury all the memories she shared with Henry. This is the beginning of her new life.

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