Chapter XVIII - Saying Goodbye Is A Death By Thousand Cuts

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James and Anne's wedding did not take place.  Anne was honestly sad to let go James that night but she did not want to be the reason to tear another love story, a love story build before her arrival in James' life.  Despite of their first encounter, Anne knew that Alicia has a good heart and Alice did not deserve what she went through.  Nobody deserved that.  Anne discerned in her heart that she will throw herself in a disastrous marriage if she married James.  He's a gentleman and wanted to keep his promise to her, he didn't want to leave her but she knows in his heart, Alice is there.  She didn't want to share, she wanted to be the only one.

Anne endure a lot of pity looks from all the people who saw her.  They all whispers as she passed by.

'I heard James found out she's cheating on him so he broke the wedding.'

'She's a bad new!'

'She did not deserve the Earl.'

'A woman like her deserves to be alone forever.'

'When the Earl saw Lady Alicia of House of Lousianna, he left her.'

A lot of whisperers but Anne did not pay attention to them, she knew the real story. James and Anne remained as friend and Alicia slowly overcome her insecurity with Anne, and did not saw her a threat anymore.  Anne and Alicia become good friends and she help Alicia with her demons.

''Anne...''  Catherine called Anne that snapped her from her reverie. "Are you okay? It seems like your mind is always somewhere." Catherine was worried with Anne.  

Anne smiled to assure the Queen that everything is okay. "I am fine, Your Majesty."

"Anne, how many times should I say that you should call me Catherine when we're alone? I owe you my life."

"Your Majes..." Catherine shook her head and Anne sighed. "Catherine, you don't owe me anything."

"Yes...I owe you.  Anne, I know that everything is hard and hurtful right now." Catherine said.  Anne wanted to rebut but kept her mouth.  She didn't why but she felt relief that her marriage to James did not happen. "Are you aware of what's happening with France right now?"

Anne just nodded.  Her father is one of the English Ambassador to France, and she knows that France is having an alliance with Scotland and Netherlands against England.

"We need a strong ambassador to France."

"I know we have sent a strong ambassador to France."

"It's not enough. "  Catherine is contemplating if she will say her suggestion to Anne. "Anne, you have stay with France for years and dear friend of Queen Claude, your influence and intelligent is good to stop France from having alliance against us."

"Catherine, no woman become an ambassador in history."

"Then become the first one, Anne.  Be the first English woman ambassador."

Anne mind is in roller coaster.

Anne did not know where her life is heading.  She thought that James will be her saving grace but he's not. Anne knew that her choice is to be maiden until she die or go to nunnery or she could grab this chance to navigate and explore her new and unpredictable life.

Anne deeply sighed and said "Yes" to a decision that will truly change her life.


It is inevitable not to see Henry when she will personally receive the King's appointment to her as English Ambassador.  They were a lot of people against the King's decision to make her an ambassador.  They did not believe that a woman can do it, they believe that Anne Boleyn will just worsen England's international relationship with France.

But Anne knew what she can do and she believe in herself.

Anne was wearing a maroon dress with her curly and black hair was down.  Anne was nervous in seeing Henry after many months.  Anne enter the throne room and there was a lot of noble men who will see her appointment, they are there to mock her.

Anne walked through the hallway of the throne room, her eyes never waver from Henry. What she did not prepare herself is the overwhelming mixed emotion that envelops her when she saw Henry. She just realized how much she truly missed him.  Her tears wanted to come out but she blinked it away, put a stoic and strong face as she continue to walk towards Henry.

"Your Majesty." Anne bowed and knelt towards Henry.  Henry almost did not stop himself for going to Anne, he wanted to touch her but he reminded himself that she did not love him, that he already let her go.

"Stand up, Lady Anne Boleyn." Anne shivered from the baritone voice of Henry, it was so familiar. She stood up and stared at Henry.  They stared at each other for how long, they didn't know.  It seems like they were the only one in the room.

"I, Henry Tudor, King of England, appointed you Lady Anne Boleyn as the first English woman ambassador.  You will be our ears and mouth in France.  You will be reporting directly to Cardinal Wolsey.  You will depart tomorrow at sunrise.  Bring good news to you country."

Henry gave her the royal paper with royal stamp, a proof of her appointment.

"I will, Your Majesty." She received the royal appointment.

Anne did not know how much she will stay in France, or what will happen to her when she go back there.  

She looked at Henry, saying her goodbye silently.

'I wish you well, my King.  What happened to us is a horrible nightmare for me but I won't ever forget how much you have love me in your own terms.  You made me a Queen, most of all, you made me a mother. I wished everything happened differently. I wished I could really have my happy ending with you, with our Elizabeth.  I know that just a  wishful thinking.  Take care of your self, my heart won't take it if something happen to you.  Long live, My King.'

Anne smiled and turned away from Henry.  She whispered 'Goodbye, My Love'.

Henry looked at Anne's back as she was walking away from him.  He wanted to stop her, wanted to touch her but he knows he can't.

'Maybe in the future, maybe we can be together.  I'll be yours and you'll be mine.  Please know that I will wait until that time comes.  Time when we can be together, where I can make you love me.  I wish you well in your journey, My Dear Anne. My heart and mind won't be at ease with you in other country but I pray to God that He will keep you from harm and let you back to me safely.  I truly love you, Anne.'

The throne room door was closed as they said their silent goodbye with unknown future.

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