Chapter IV - The Second "Hello"

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Does everyone deserve second chance?


Hever Castle

The Boleyn humble house is done preparing everything for the very important guest that will arrive.  They prepared the most expensive and delicious food of England.

Meanwhile in one room, Anne is pacing around, she cannot explain the nervousness she's feeling.

She keeps biting her nails, which is an unlady-like habit. Anne is so sure that her mother will be horrified if she sees her right now.

Lola went to inform her earlier that she readied her bath and she must take it now in order not to be late to face their visitors.

After taking a bath, Lola help her to get dress with a maroon dress and adorn her with a pearl necklace and earrings.

"Lady Anne, you're so beautiful.  I'm sure your future husband will never take his eyes off you." Lola asked when she finished braiding her hair, looking through the mirror where she is sitting in front.

Anne at herself in the mirror.

'If only Henry can keep his eyes on me...'

Anne smile bitterly.  She knows she cannot change the past and now that she was given a chance to re-do her life, she will make sure that everything won't be a repeating mistake.

Anne was so lost on her thoughts.

"Anne.." Her mother, Elizabeth called her.

"Mother." Anne abruptly stands and greets her mother. 

"My daughter, Anne." Elizabeth hugged her daughter. "I hope everything will go to you favor.  Please Anne be safe. May God bless you."

"Thank you, Mother. May God help me!" Anne hugged her mother more.

"The King has arrived! The King has arrive!"

Their embrace was broke and was too startled with what she heard.

"Did I hear it correctly?", Anne was so lost. 'This is too early! I am not ready for this, for him!'  She looked in her mother's eyes with uncertainty and panic.

"C'mon, Anne. We need to be there to greet His Majesty."

'Then when are going to be ready Anne? You have to face your demon and that's Henry. You gave him so much power over you', the other part of her countered.


Hunting Site near in Hever Castle

Henry sent very expensive jewelries to Lady Anne Boleyn.  He even wrote her sweet letters but she didn't response.  He was so confused to her.  She kept his gifts but didn't write a letter back to him.

He cannot wait to see her.  Two weeks is pure tortured without seeing her raven black eyes and bewitching smile.  He missed her so much that he arranged that the royal hunting will be happen near to Hever Castle that he needed no excuses to see her.

The king was so out of focus that he did not notice a sharp woods in his way.  His horse stepped on in, before he knew it, he feel on the ground with his horse. 

"The king!" Everyone rushed to their King's side to attend his injury.

"We need to bring the King to Hampton Castle and call the royal physician immediately" James instructed the people, seeing Henry bleeding on his side.

The Second Chance of AnneWhere stories live. Discover now