Bonus Chapter

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25th of May 1553

Have you ever heard a king retiring from his throne?

Only in England.

Henry VIII gladly stepped back from his throne to watch her son, Edward Tudor, ascend on the throne.  Never in his dream that he will have a son and watch it ascend from the throne.  Tudor dynasty will continue with Edward. Back then, it was impossible but God gave him miracles of life.  God gave him 3 children with Anne.

His oldest daughter, Mary, is now happily married with Prince Philip, a heir to Spanish empire.  They have two daughters and Mary is now heavily pregnant with the third.  Her intuition said that this will be a baby boy.  Mary knew that her husband will be very happy to have a heir.

Elizabeth is now 25 and pregnant with her second child and she's the Queen of France.  Francis and Elizabeth first child is a boy named, Prince Louis of France, who's now 2 years old. Yes, Elizabeth and Francis started is not good and too many hurdles but when love is real, it will prevail and win at the end.  Henry is happy that her Lizzie has a happy family.  He would trade his wealth and throne for the happiness of his children.

Edward is 23 and ascended as the King of England with his wife, Mary of Scotts.  Scotland is now part of England, uniting two countries and ending a decades of fighting. Thus a reason for celebration. 

Henry, who is now 12 years old, the youngest child of Henry and Anne, an apple of the eyes of his father, is now a Duke of Cornwall.  Henry was a spitting image of his father with his auburn hair and prominent nose.

Everyone in England is celebrating the coronation of the new King and Henry stood in the center of the room, watching everyone having their time drinking and dancing.   All of his children and grandchildren are present.  He couldn't be happier. Life is so good.

Henry took a sip on his golden cup when someone snake their arms on his waist.  He knew it was Anne.  He knew her very well and he didn't know can he knew it's her, even in a very huge crowd.

"What are you thinking, my love?" Anne asked Henry as he turned around to face her.  He wouldn't get tired of looking at her face.  The face which engraved in his mind and his heart.  A warmth feeling envelope him, a fast beating of his heart and it never cease to amaze him how much Anne affected  him.  It was like the very first day he saw her.

He cupped her face.  There's fine line on her forehead but it only added to his attraction towards her.

"How much joy you bring to my life.  I wouldn't be this happy if weren't for you Anne.  You gave me 3 children, my jewels.  Your wisdom and knowledge brings wealth and peaceful to our country.  You're the most amazing woman I meet, Anne. And I will be forever thankful to God for rewriting our story."

Anne smiled which make his heart skipped.

"You are the most kind and greatest King, Henry.  You proved to me how much a person can change for the better.  You love your children very much and you care for the wellbeing of your citizen."

"And I love my wife so much." Henry smiled and kissed her wife.

Henry and Anne continued to watch everyone enjoys the night. 

"Everyone, may I have your attention." King Edward IV said as he stand on his newly throne. "I would like to offer a toast for my loving father, the greatest King of England, Henry VIII.  If not for him, England's glory will be a history and long lost.  He was able to make us the best and wealthiest country in Europe.  We have the exquisite and most prized spices and gold in the world.  We have conquer the eastern and middle part of the world." Edward looked at his father with respect and pride.

"As much as I want to indulge that praise, I shouldn't. I am a better father, husband and King because of my beautiful and intelligent wife, Anne, your Queen.  She gave me strength abd not always afraid to voice out her reason and to correct me when I am wrong.  The greatness of a King is because of his Queen.''

Elizabeth, Edward and Henry watched as their father stared at their mother lovingly.

"Edward, my son, you are now the King of England.  Know that I will be here along the way to guide you.  I know that with Mary, you can rule England together with love and  will bring into new era."

"Thank you, father.  To my mother, Queen Anne Boleyn.  Please allow me to praise your wisdom and knowledge to bring England to its golden era.  For teaching us how to be good leader.  You are the gift in this country, mother."

"Thank you, son.  It is my responsibility and duty.  I love my people.  I love all of you, my children and I love Henry with all my heart.''

Edward went to his father and embraced him, he also give his mother a kiss on his check.  Elizabeth did too while Prince Henry went to sit on his father lap.

Edward we t back to his throne and said, " Please play a song for King Henry VIII and Queen Anne Boleyn of England."

Henry asked Anne to dance for the last time as King and Queen as when tomorrow comes, they will be just a man and woman, a husband and wife.  Henry anticipated all his alone time with Anne. He will just focus his energy on making his wife, Anne Boleyn, happy.

Their marriage was not perfect, there were few bumps but they manage to stick together and raise well 3 children.

Anne's eyes are twinkling as Henry twirled her around and their youngest is also dancing with them.  Her two Henry.

Then the music turned slow and Prince Henry run away from them.  Henry snake his arms on his wife small waist as they slow dancing.

"Anne, I love you so much.  I thank you for giving me second chance and for being a strong and independent woman that you are." Henry whispered on her left ear.

"I love you too, Henry." Anne sighed as she lean her head on Henry's chest. "It feels like dream."

"It's not a dream, my love."

Henry pinched Anne slowly.

"Aww. That hurts." Anne said and sawatted Henry's arm which only made him laugh.  His wife is feisty but adorable.

"How about we take to out room and take out Henry's title as our youngest child?"

Anne blushed and slapped Henry's chest.

"You, old man!"

"Hey! I am not an old man! Our intimate moment just this morning prove it to you."

"Shhhhhhh!" Anne managed to get more crimson.

Henry just laughed and embraced her tightly to stop her from hitting him.

"Let's make a fourth child." Henry seriously said.


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