Chapter VIII - Hard Choice

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Maybe we got lost in translation, maybe I asked for too much,
And maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up.
Running scared, I was there, I remember it all too well.

Hey, you call me up again just to break me like a promise.
So casually cruel in the name of being honest.
I'm a crumpled up piece of paper lying here
'Cause I remember it all, all, all too well.

Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it
I'd like to be my old self again, but I'm still trying to find it

-All Too Well, Taylor Swift


"Your Majesty, James Butler, the 9th Earl of Nordom is here to you."

The announcement of the footman perked Henry's attention.

He was amused.

'That scumbag Earl is so impatient to marry his Anne Boleyn.'Henry thought to himself as he saw the Earl went inside his royal room where the meetings were held with noble men.

"Good day, Your Majesty!" James bowed to the king.

Henry gestured his hand to James to stand up straight.

"So, what brought you here to my humble court, Lord Butler?" Henry asked straightforwardly and James thought that it is not good to ask the king's permission. It seems that he was in a bad mood.

But he did it anyway.

"My King, your humble servant is asking your grand permission to have my union with Lady Anne Boleyn, the daughter of Sir Thomas Boleyn."

"Why would I grant this union?"

James knew that it was a tricked question.

"Your Majesty, the Butler and Boleyn have been fighting over a land for 3 decades now." James explained to the quiet King. "This union will stop the dispute and will create harmony in your kingdom."

"Do you know that Anne is mine?"

James was speechless with the king's statement but he recovered immediately.

"Forgive me,Your Grace, but Lady Anne Boleyn is not someone's property." James hated the idea of Henry owning Anne because he said it like she was some property and she's not! "Only her husband can claim her and she's not yet married."

Henry was fuming, he wanted to kill James Butler for what he said, for trying to steal Anne from him.

'You fool, Henry! He is right, Anne is not yours.' said the rational side if his brain.

"Get out." Henry said calmly, trying to stop himself from bursting out because he knows it is not right.

"Your majesty, I know you are attracted to Anne but this union will be good to the 2 families. I promised to give the 1/8 of the land to you, Your Highness. Please consider this marriage."

"I said get out!!!!" Henry shouted. 'How dare him bribe him for the permission. I won't allow it!'

James reluctantly leave, castigating himself that he just made the King angry and made worst of the situation. He just hoped that the king will grant the union so Anne and Him can start a life together. James smiled at the thought of building a family with Anne.


The noble men heard a news that King Henry is stalling in giving the approval of the union of Butler and Boleyn. They wanted everything to be decided now to be able to move on with another issue of the country, like the rising issue with the trading with the Scotland.

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