Arc 3.4 Lily Walker

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Chapter 3.4 Lily Walker

The days passed by too quickly that everything seems to be just like a dream but she knew that it was not, this was her 3rd lifetime that she had yet to complete and spend her life happily with her husband.

Today, Lily was making a lunch box for her dearest Hubby. She was beaming as she makes the lunch, her happy aura also affecting the servants.

"Miss Lily, are you going to deliver that yourself to Master Lance?" Sebastian was all smiles as he looked at the lunch box that was made full of love by none other than his miss.

"Yeah, I'm going to the company today and deliver this lunch box personally to my Hub-- er, my brother." Lily said as she put the final finishing of the lunch box, an egg in a shape of a heart at the center of the box.

"I bet that Master Lance would be so happy receiving this lunch box from you, especially that you made it by yourself. This is the first time that Master Lance will receive a lunch box made by Miss Lily, he will be truly happy."

"I hope that he will, I hope he will..." Lily close the lid of the lunch box and put it on a red heart shape lunch box bag.


"Miss Lily, do you want me to go with you?" The driver asked Lily who was already standing outside the car, he was worried that his kind miss might be unable to find his Master and might not be able to give him the lunch box that she painstakingly work for!

'That would be terrible!' The driver thought exaggerated.

"Mou~ Uncle, I'll be fine. Please don't worry about me and best be on your way, I'll be fine on my own. Then, goodbye." Lily smiled to the driver as she quickly ran away from the car, afraid that he will really come with her.

'That's not funny at all! She will be meeting her hubby alone, you hear her, alone!!'

A woman in red slowly made her way towards the reception table, the way she walks makes her look like an international model practicing her walk. The way she smiles was so bright that it was blinding, her eyes twinkle like stars as she look at her surroundings.

The people watching her was both slack jawed and eyes full of jealousy as they look at the "hot babe" of a woman, their eyes never leaving her for even just a second.

"Do you have any appointment, miss?" The desk woman asked Lily the very moment she appeared in front of her, she raised her eyebrow as she looked her up and down.

"I don't have any appointment but I'm here for Lance, Lance Walker." Lily politely smiled.

The desk woman's frown even deepened when she heard Lily asked for her boss, she thought that Lily was one of those fan girls or girlfriend wannabe of his boss. She looked at her with a hint of disdain as she no longer entertained her.

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