Arc 3.3 Lily Walker

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Chapter 3.3 Lily Walker

Lilly's face was dark as she took a stride towards the Mansion, she opened the big doors to the Mansion with a big boom!

Literally, it's a big boom! The big doors flew open, the servants shivered seeing a Demoness opened the door but none dared to stop her.

She followed the red string of fate on her finger until it lead her to a white door at the end of the 2nd floor, she opened the door not even knocking the very moment her hand touches the doorknob.

The door flew open and revealed the person sitting inside a dark room.

She looked at the person who was sitting on his bed darkly, the man looked at her in surprise not believing what he is seeing.

"Lily?" The man asked in surprise.

Lily stared at the man intently, her dark aura continued to rise, the temperature dropping.

Slowly, she took a stride towards the man, she stop before him and then............

"Brother! I miss you so so much!" Lily brought Lance into her embrace, hugging him tightly.

".........." Lance was speechless when Lily suddenly hugged him, he was not even able to utter a single word witnessing this scene in front of him.

"Brother, why are you silent? Is something wrong? Want Lily to help?" Lily childishly pouted as she shamelessly touches all over her Hubbies droolilicious body, not missing an inch.

"A-Ah! Lily!" Lance finally snapped out of it when Lily's hand was about to touch the very "fragile" part of his body, his face turned beat red just thinking about it. He looked at his sister who has that "innocent" face which seemed to not know what she had almost done.

"Brother, are you sick?" Lily pressed her forehead against Lance forehead to test his temperature, their faces only centimeters apart.

Lance face even turned redder when faced with Lily's shameless seducing method, he does not know why he was feeling out of sorts the very moment he saw his sister the very first time he went back home but all he knew was that something that should not be there was there.

"Your temperature is normal but your face is flushed red, say brother is there something wrong?" Lily continues to tease her Hubby as she cup his face with both of her hands.

'He made me look for him all over the city, I even drove all around the place but he was just in our house! What's the use of me going all over the city when I can find him here?!'

"Lily, I'm fine. I'm just tired that's all and c-can you please already move your face away from mine, it's a little u-uncomfortable." Lance awkwardly said as he stuttered.

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