Author's Note

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Hello guys, just wanna share you some novel summary of my new thought novel....

Second Chance For CannonFooder's ~You Got The Wrong Script~

Shu Yin was a "simple" boy who is overly mischievous despite his young age and that was why he died.....

He died by drowning when he fell to the ocean when he was secretly peeking at some hot dude's eight pack abs....

Now tied to a cheeky System, Shu Yin tries to complete missions to have a chance to peek er... I mean live again but not all is as easy as pie when someone in the story got the wrong script...

????: Wife, why are you avoiding me?

Shu Yin: Whose your wife?! Go to the fucking FL hot dude, she is your wife!

????: Wife, don't be like that we even have a marriage certificate. I'm not lying to you. *pulls out proof*

Shu Yin: Fuck! Why are we married?!

?????: Why, don't you remember? We registered our marriage when you were drunk and pulled me to the registar office to marry you. *smirks*

Shu Yin: What?! Isn't that the FL's scene!

?????: Now wife, why don't we consummate our marriage? *push Shu Yin down the bed*

Shu Yin: I think you got the wrong script! *flips ML down the bed* But even so, who says I'm the bottom? *licks lips*


What do you guys think?

I was planning to make another worldhopping book but it is BL this time after I finish this novel in the future or maybe if there are already enough chapters to publish, you see I had already started writing it and I had just finished Arc 1.1 and now I'm trying to finish the rest of the chaps.

You see before the only you novel it was supposed to be the BL world hopping novel but Only You was instead the one that I made and publish ahead of all my dust covered novels, its new and was the first to be publish than my old ones.

Right guys, if you have some time check out some of the 'dust' covered novels of mine that I will be publishing in the future. I had decided to publish the stories that had long been in dust. So if you enjoy reading other genre and other novels please do look at it if you have time.

The Novels are:

=Fan fiction
=And more!

These novels would be updating slowly after it reach some chaps because I still haven't finish this novels and my focus for now is the Only You novel but not to fret if you think that I won't continue these because I would, its my delusions of course! LOL!

Make Way! The World Hopper is Here!: Love Of A Millennium (Only You)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz