Chapter 15:It's Crazy How Time Flies When You're Hanging On To It For Dear Life

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Chapter Fifteen: It's Crazy How Time Flies When You're Hanging On To It For Dear Life.


One doctor's appointment confirms what we've already known for a week and I have to hand it to myself. I stayed eerily calm once the doctor finished her physical exam and told me that she's only ordering a pregnancy test to be a hundred percent positive that I am in fact pregnant. No one is surprised when it's positive, least of all me but there's something so final and official about a figure of authority in a white lab coat telling you what you already know. Suddenly it's all very much real and not just in my head there is, prescribing me folic acid and prenatal vitamins and I'm trying my best to not squeeze the life out of Cole's hands. Since we have time, the doctor also sends us for an ultrasound that I'm nowhere near prepared for. Anything after that initial confirmation seems like an absolute blur to me. I don't remember much of what the chatty technician says to me, I think she comments on how good Cole and I look together and how beautiful our baby is going to be but that's just about it. When does the actual scan, I think I momentarily blank out and even Cole looks a little shaken.

Six weeks, I'm only six weeks along.

According to an app Cole downloaded on his phone the minute we got out of the clinic, the baby is the size of a lentil.

A lentil, Jesus that's tiny.

I'm glad Cole's there to listen to all the information she feeds us because my head starts to spin midway and the panic I've been trying so hard to keep at bay is fast making a return. I'm thankful when I can pull my shirt down and leave but I think I've retained enough information to not consider myself a total failure of a decent human being.When we get to the pharmacy, Cole is still engrossed in his app that he finds so fascinating. I walk around trying to get everything that the doctor suggested but being in the maternity aisle feels so foreign, like an out of body experience. I never thought I'd be here so soon and now there's an older lady across staring at the two of us like we're lost puppies.

She turns towards us and smiles like she's known us for ages, "First pregnancy?" She's practically gushing and I nudge Cole to look up from his app for a second.

"Uh, yeah the very first." He straightens up and tosses an arm around my shoulders like we're one golden retriever away from being your neighbourhood Camden family.Seventh Heaven, anyone remember that show? Anyone?

"Aren't you two just adorable!" She clasps her hands together, "My daughter's just started her second trimester and it's her first baby too! We're so excited and I bet your family must be thrilled."

Huh, our families. Cole and I exchange a look because we suddenly remember that we're going to have to tell our parents about the baby and that's probably not going to go down that well with at least one person for sure.

"Yes, they sure are. We're all so happy." I don't think the lady is picking up on the strain in Cole's voice or how funny he sounds right now and launches into her own little spiel about babies and what a gift pregnancies are. She empties half of the contents of the shelves into our basket, telling me exactly what I need and for what.

"It's probably a little overwhelming right now but when you finally hold that precious little one in your arms, everything will be worth it."

I'm not to sure about that and I think Cole mirrors my expression but we let her babble on and on until she finally leaves us with probably a lifetime worth of debt in our basket. We're frozen in place with obvious with wide panic filled eyes, trying to figure out what just happened and how we've become that couple.

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