Chapter Eleven: Let Higher Powers Take The Wheel And Drive My Car Off A Cliff.

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Thank you @crazily_hal for this amazing TBBG trailer! Brings back all the feels <3

Chapter Eleven: Let Higher Power Take The Wheel And Drive My Car Off A Cliff


It's official.

I have now reverted back to being a teenager who has severe confidence issues and hides away in her bedroom before the start of every holiday. I can smell the turkey and the gravy and the pie but my destination of choice this morning is hiding beneath a fort of blankets.

Why you ask am I channeling the Tessa of TNE or 'The Nicole Era' as I like to call it, well it's because I've got not one but both of my parents.

Under the same roof.

As Carrie Underwood likes to say, let higher powers take the wheel and drive my car off a cliff. 

Mom wasn't supposed to show up until Saturday, the day of the engagement party and even when she did she'd be staying in a very nice hotel that I'd personally ensured she'd gotten a room in. Heck, the way that I'd planned it all out, her and my dad wouldn't even have to make eye contact if they navigated the space around them extremely carefully. I'd considered drawing Dad a map so that he could be aware of where mom would be at all times. The less they saw one another, the lesser would be the chances of my becoming an orphan right before the holiday season officially kicked off. Alas, you might as well hand me a bowl of porridge and call me Oliver Twist right now.

It's the yelling that wakes me up and I'm glad that I kicked Cole out before mother dearest arrived. He's got his own family drama to take care of and the last thing I want is for Cassandra to be sulking about Cole not spending the day with them. Ah, the mother Stone is yet another thing that I need to worry about. I think it's time the two of us had a conversation where I politely tell her to stop treating me like I'm some kind of a gold digging succubus who's going to turn her son's life into a void of pain and misery.

Dramatic but surely, that's what she thinks given the way she's acting. If she chooses to not change how she feels towards me and my eyeshadow journalistic masterpieces then I will happily remove her from my life because with Leila and Amy, there's literally no room in my life for terrorising female figures of authority.

Back to the one woman, who I can't extract from my life that easily...

I hear the sound of glass shattering and given that the two of them are now likely throwing sharp pointed glass objects at one another, it's time for me to intervene.

Happy Thanksgiving from the O'Connell's everyone!


I delay the inevitable by running myself an unnecessary bath and taking my time getting ready. I've also enlisted re-enforcements and don't even feel a little guilty for interrupting Travis and Beth's love fest. They were supposed to come for dinner anyway so they'll just have to arrive a little earlier so that we've got both parents alive and well for his wedding.

"It can't be that bad." He tries to placate me over the phone and I can hear Beth singing in the background. Singing! I've always loved my brother for what he's been able to do for Beth and the happiness he's brought to her life. But since the engagement, that happiness has been on a whole other level. Beth positively radiates with joy and it's infectious being around her, also dangerous because now that she's engaged she thinks it's okay to drag me into Tiffany's to look at rings.

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