Chapter Two: A Tween Would Find It Easier To Resist Velour Tracksuit Bottoms

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Chapter Two: A Tween Would Find It Easier To Resist Velour Tracksuit Bottoms

Chapter Two: A Tween Would Find It Easier To Resist Velour Tracksuit Bottoms

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"You made it!" Beth is smiling from ear to ear as she greets me and Cole the next day at a cafe a couple of blocks away from my apartment.

"You seem surprised." I lean into my boyfriend, who wraps his arm around me and tucks me into his side.

"Yeah well, I honestly thought you would be otherwise occupied." She winks and laughter rumbles from Cole's chest. Beth gets up to hug him as it's been a while since they've met. Since college, or rather after we left school it's been getting harder and harder to meet up regularly. Still now, at least I'm closer to Travis and Beth. But on the downside? Even though I'm closer to my family now, Cole is farther away than ever.

Just a few more years, I remind myself, just a few more years.

Travis gets back from getting coffees for all of us and greets Cole enthusiastically. They've come a long way from being two people who never really could stand each other.

"How long have you guys been planning this?" I ask, taking a sip of my sugar loaded hazelnut macchiato.

"Since you finalised the day you were moving." Beth grins, "What? You thought your boyfriend was getting out of doing all the heavy lifting?"

"I think all those shoes might have permanently damaged my back." Travis groans theatrically and I chuck a napkin at him.

"Don't worry Tessie, I'll take care of the rest of it and not even complain like this wuss right here." He slides his arm around the back of my seat and in turn I shift closer to him in the booth. I've realised that we've become that very couple that I used to make fun of while ignorantly single. I'd wondered why it was that two people couldn't bear being apart for that short while that they were in public. My naive fifteen year old perhaps couldn't see that when you're that in love with a person, you need to have contact with them in some way possible. And it's the smallest touches, the lingering of his hand on the small of your back, a kiss on the cheek, a caress of his fingers down your palm, all the things he does without even thinking about it that tells you that a guy is absolutely devoted to you.

I look at Cole and bite the inside of my cheek. It shouldn't still feel like this, this crazy emotion that sweeps up inside of me whenever I think about him. What's that they say about the honeymoon period? I'm pretty sure we've surpassed whatever time period you're supposed to stay in that phase and to be honest? I still feel as in love with him as I was five years ago. Nothing has changed for me, no feelings have diminished. If anything, with time our relationship has grown, evolved into something that I consider the most important thing in my life.

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