Chapter Sixteen: You've Got The Tenacity Of A Larry Shipper

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Chapter Sixteen: You've Got The Tenacity Of A Larry Shipper

One Month Later

The holiday period really is the most wonderful time of the year and although my family doesn't have the best history of having the jolliest of Christmases, I like to think that this year we really turned things around. A lot of it could be credited to my absolute determination to not let anything get in the way of my plans as had happened on the engagement party from hell. I'd rallied the troops and everyone had been on their best behaviour during the holiday season. Heck even Jay's stopped trying to find chances to goad Cole by telling him just how hot I like my chicken from Nandos and that really is a holiday miracle. In the long, detailed email that I'd sent out, I'd request details of any psychotic exes were might try to pay a visit and I kid you not, the list was long.

Did I go so far as to hire private security? Not really. Did I bribe a bunch of high school wrestling champions to stand guard outside my house for a few extra bucks? Of course I did. Partly because of my efforts and because the Stones had realised that they needed to put their differences aside to help out their son, I could proudly say that we've had the most festive Christmas there ever could be. Another good thing to come out of it all is the fact that Cole got to be home for a good couple of weeks. Between finals and being there for Melissa and Lainey, the stress had really taken a toll on him. I'd needed to get his entire family involved because he deserved to taken really good care of. Nana Stone had permanently moved in with her son and kept a close eye on Cole which I'll be incredibly thankful for in the future.

But more on that later.

"What are you thinking about?" Cole asks me that night as he helps me with the zipper on my dress. We're going on a date for what seems like the first time in forever and I couldn't be more excited. We'd forgone the new years festivities currently going on in New York where the rest of our friends have headed. Instead we're choosing to spend time with each other, a dinner, maybe some dancing, a quiet night in but one that's not going to be uneventful, if you know what I mean.

"Just how much things have changed in the last month." I haven't told him the most important reason for the change but I do plan on doing that tonight. The previous month has been all about him and although work has kept me busier than ever, I've done my best to make sure he realises that he has all the support in the world in case he needs it. And, needed it he has.

In the past month, we've taken the Sheriff's advice and helped Melissa and Lainey move in to a new, more secure place. The Sheriff also suggested that Melissa take her mother's maiden name and remove Axel's last name from Lainey's for their own safety and confidentiality. Once they'd move into a safer, more protected neighbourhood, the real hard work began. After talking to Melissa, we searched for the best therapist money could buy, one that specialised in dealing with survivors of domestic abuse. Next up was finding one just as good for Lainey and I'm happy to report that so far so good.

We'd started an anonymous fundraiser for the two as well, just to help them get back on their feet. But in my last email exchange with Melissa, she informed me that she'd been looking for a new job and that Lainey was enjoying her new school. Things were looking up for both of them.

The change had been harder on Cole just because he'd been so hands on with them that to suddenly not have to worry all the time proved to be difficult. But I've been there for him, hoping that I've helped calm of his demons. Because there were plenty of them.

Much of Cole's desire to help out the damsel in distress comes from the guilt he feels for how he treated me when we were younger and from the knowledge that he couldn't be there for me when I'd experienced the worst of my bullying. All these years later and despite numerous reassurances, the memory seems to have stuck with him and it's in instances like the one with Melissa that I realise just how much he punishes himself. I'd been assaulted once in high school and the trauma of it had stayed with me for a while. Cole, despite avenging me the best he could at the time, took a long time to stop blaming himself. But now I know that some wounds never really heal. So when he saw Melissa, desperate and being subjected to so much brutality he stepped in without thinking. But not only that, he went above and beyond what any other person would do.

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