Statues And Walplugis Prologue

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After the Meeting and now Rimuru is examining Veldora , Velora,  Shizue and Testarosa's power Level...

(Rimuru named her and the little Demon Moss and sent him to Souie before the meeting and I forgot about her)

3rd person pov:

Now we can see 2 True Dragon are fighting each other one who is blue haired man who has a well built body and other is Blonde haired man who looks muscular ...

But their match came to an end ....

Testarosa : This matches Winner is Rimuru Tempest!!

Veldora: Good fight brother! " gets up and gives a fist punch "

Rimuru: Yea that was a great Fight " gives back a fist punch "

Ciel : Now everyone's new power level has been measured...this is the report using soul corridor...

Name: Rimuru Tempest
Race : Divine Dragonoid Demon slime (half True Dragon)
Core Factor: Void Dragon's Factor
Occupation: King of Tempest
EP Value: 110,476,657
SP : 8796
Soul Corridor Connection: Veldora, Velora, Shizue,  Ciel
Danger level: Catastrophe class / True Danger level: Extreme Catastrophe class (base form)

Ultimate Skill:
1. Wisdom King Raphael
2. Gluttonous King Beelzebuth
3. Combat King Mars
4. Lord of Vows Uriel
5. Veldora Lord of Stroms

Unique Skill:
1. Timing
2. Chaos Void
3. Creation

Extra Skill:
1. True Dragon Haki
2. Lords Ambitions
3. Skill Seal
4. Energy manipulation
5. Heaven's flare
6. Withering flame
7. Dragon Menace
8. Dragonification
9. Magic Jamming
10. Infinite Regeneration
11. Lightning Manipulation
12. Spiritual touch

Skill :
1. Universal Steal Thread
2. Paralysis Breath
3. Poisonous Breath
4. Supreme sense of Smell
5. Thought Communication
6. Universal Perception
Resistance Skills:
1. Pain Nullification
2. Melee Nullification
3. Stab Nullification
4. Electric attack Nullification
5. Paralysis Nullification
6. Element Resistance
8. Poison Resistance
9. Holy-Demonic Magic Nullification
10. Abnormal Status Nullification
11. Spritul Attack Resistance
Magic :
1. Elemental Magic ( all type)
2. Void Magic (True Dragon Magic)
3. Demonic Magic ( Nuclear Magic )
4. Spirit Summoning
5. Demon Summoning
6. Holy magic

And for Information I got a new Ultimate Skill then original Rimuru...

Ultimate Skill Combat king Mars
It's power are indeed made for combat...

It has all the power of the original Extra Skill Ciel Sacrificed but more enhanced....but its last sub Skill is kinda cheat code ...

Sub Skill Copy Technique .... as the name implies it can copy any techniques even if you saw it once and it can be any technique be ot fist or sword technique it can literally copy it and with Ciel's help I can make its use even better then the person I saw from....

Then we got Unique Skill Timing ...

It used Extra Skill Speed Manipulation and Gravity manipulation with Spatial Movement and evolved into Unique Skill timing can now literally make others speed up or slow down or stop them ..... yes they can be stopped....unlike Chole's Unique Skill Timer it can only Work on a certain Area under 500 meter max near me and it will only work if they are not digital life form... meaning it won't work on Guy or Feldway or those who are Digital Being.... but the conditions for using the speed up or slow skill now doesn't have the the same condition.... I don't need to touch them now .... but if anyone has Ultimate skill they can avoid it by using a Barrier upon them using a bit brain....if they can't use their brain then they are lost hope ....

That Time I got Reincarnated As A Dragonoid Slime In Tensura as Rimuru  Where stories live. Discover now