Visit Of Milim Nava and Belmund Alliance

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3rd person pov:

A lot of things happened like Gabiru now working in veldora cave with Vesta now in Tempest and working with Gabiru...

We can see our protagonist sitting on a cliff probably waiting for some Catastrophe class Demon lord...

And Suddenly a Pink Ball of Energy came crashing Near The blue haired Majin...

Milim : Ha ha ha ha ha I am Milim Nava the Demon lord of The great 10 Demon lord haha ha ha ....

Rimuru: And what does a Demon lord has business with a Mere majin like me ??

Milim: You may try to trick me but I can see through all with my special Milim eyes  I can see you are the strongest in this forest....But taking a closer looke you are Stronger then those 3 hmmm ...

Rimuru: so why A great Demon lord like you came here ? For a fight ? If so I can't fight I am tired from fighting nonstop like this ...

And Suddenly Benimaru,  Souie, Shion , Kana and Ranga attacked Milim but Milim came out unscathed from all those attacks...

And I almost choked Ranag while trying to stop him....

Rimuru: Stop it you Idiots Cant you see She is too powerful for you all to take care !! Get back I will take care if this somehow ..

Kijjin's : Hai Rimuru sama

Milim: Fight me .. Heh Very well if you lose you will become my subordinate and if you win I will turn back and never came back to this forest..

Rimuru: Very well then I shall use my Strongest weapon in my hand ...

And then Rimuru tames her with honey and then the same happens with Gabiru
Incident which he almost died ...and she announced me her bestie .

And the story continued until Phobio Incident which was actually caused by my wife Shizue... Butterfly effect is surly something else...

Now to the town hall

We can see phobio angrily waiting for me and Disrespecting me when I came ... well I wasn't soft as Rimuru so Let out my full aura which he calmed down and continued the talk but then he left but let a gaze at Shizue but I gave him a Gaze that chilled him to the spine...

Another 3rd person pov :

We can see About 4 people running away from A knight Spider a B plus ranked Monster

Kaval: Whyy me !!?

Ellen : You are the one who poked the Knight Spider Nest !!!!

Fuze : I will hunt you down as a Ghost if I Die Here !!!!

Kaval: Ha ha ha ah ... Its Because you won't be able to hunt me if I Die and Become a Ghost With You ...

Ellen: Eek !! He is even Scarier than the Knight Spider !

They Started to run faster to a group they saw , It was Yorm's party

Yorm who saw them coming with his far sight Skill decided to help them out ,and engaged with a battle with them

Fuze: Who are you and Why are you here ?

Yorm: I am Yorm and i came here scouting the forest

Fuze : I am Guildmaster Fuze from Belmund Kingdom

Yorm: Now let's finish this !!

As he said and launched his attack with his sword at knight Spider the sword broke in two and now they become terrified and everyone begins to run now ...

That Time I got Reincarnated As A Dragonoid Slime In Tensura as Rimuru  Where stories live. Discover now