Chapter 80.

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She immediately composed herself from the impact of the slap and landed a straight square punch on his face making him stumble back too.

He again tried to punch her in full rage but she ducked down and hit him on his weak point.

He hissed in pain and sat down, she knee strike, him in the face making his nose bleed, she landed a kick on his chest and he fell to the ground.

She was breathing heavily by all of this, Stefan smirked and signed two of the men together.

She knew there was no escape for her but giving up was never in her blood, she can gladly die then giving up and falling weak in front of her enemies.

They came at the same time to punch her, she dodged one and was about to punch him back but the other punched on her stomach making her collide with the wall.

She tried to suck the air but the impact of the hit didn't let her, she clutched her stomach but didn't feel like giving up even though her stomach was aching beyond what she could bear.

They again tried to punch her but she ducked down immediately and their fist landed on the wall regretting their own force.

She side punched directly on his neck knocking him out she was about to punch the other one but instead she got an air blocking kick on her chest.

She couldn't control then sliding herself to the floor, she hissed keeping her hand on her chest but he again kicked on her face and she suddenly remembered one of Alex's rules.

'If anytime you feel like you can't win then act like dead, they will for sure leave and then try to find the best opportunity to kill them.'

She acted like being unconscious and closed her eyes, she heard them laughing at her state.

She heard three bangs and she couldn't help but flinch at the sound. Stefan killed the three unconscious men.

"Bring her to me." He ordered and threw the gun to one of his guards.

He nodded and tucked the gun in his back pocket, he then came towards Eira and sat on his knees.

He smirked and held her by her waist and kept her on his shoulder following his boss.

Eira immediately asked for forgiveness as she was letting Na Mahram touch her. She opened her eyes took the revolver from his back pocket and shot him on his back.

He hissed and his grip loosened, she immediately stood on her feet and aimed the gun in Stefan's direction as Stefan looked back when he heard the gun shot voice echoed.

His eyes widen at this as he never thought she knows how to use a gun. The man was now on the ground dipped in his own blood.

Stefan smirked looking at her and took a step towards her, instead of stepping back she steadied her hands and held the gun in both of her hands.

Her eyes were like blazing fire and she didn't even feel hesitant to pull the trigger. The bullet straight pierced on his stomach and he hissed in pain, his eyes were widened by this.

She again pulled the trigger and it pierced on his upper arm, she tried to do it again but there were no bullets.

She got a little panicked and ran in the same direction she was at, as she was about to run from there the guard held her ankle making her fall on the floor.

She hissed and tried to free herself from his grip but was in vain, she kicked with her other leg but soon the entire area was in sirens.

She gulped but kicked on his face and his grip loosened, she ran towards the door and was about to open the door but someone started choking her from behind.

To The Straight Path.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz