Chapter 2.

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He was soon kept on the stretcher and was taken to the OT. His eyes were fixed on something or more specifically on someone.

He wasn't blinking, he completely forgot that there are bullets inside him. He forgot the pain as he was so busy.

He was taken to the OT and soon his operation started. It's been more than 2 hours now and the surgery was still going on. After half an hour it got completed and the patient was saved.

Doctor came out from the operation theatre but a man who is in his late twenties blocked doctor's way. His outfit was completely black. He stood infront of the doctor to ask about James.

"When will he get up?" He asked in a cold voice.

"Let's see and who are you related to the patient?"

"What the fuck .."

"Mind your language this is not your personal place to use those words."

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" He asked furiously taking his knife from his back pocket.

He showed the knife to the doctor but there was no fear, not a single speck of fear in the eyes. Only the eyes were visible due to the mask.

"I said tell me when my friend will be up." He was clearly in pure anger. He kept the knife on doctor's throat.

"Think before doing anything, if I die you will not get the information about the patient." The voice was stern and the eyes were cold not a glimpse of fear was visible.

"Listen, you woman if something happens to my friend then you are dying by my hands."

The knife was on her throat which was covered by her hijab. Her hairs, neck and almost her upper half was covered properly by her hijab, her face was covered by surgical mask only showing her eyes.

"Listen you man, if you stay here for another minute infront of me then you will be arrested."

Her back was touching the wall and he was standing infront of her with a little distance, knife on the throat. Some of the nurses were surrounded them in fear seeing the mysterious man.

He chuckled at her response glaring her in anger. He tightened the grip on the knife and pushed it more to her throat, it got a cut and blood started dripping from her neck making her white scarf to turn red.

She took a deep breath closing her eyes and within a second the knife was on the floor. He was surprised by this, extremely surprised. She bend down and took the knife pointing towards the man.

"Never, be off guard." She said sarcastically in stern voice and throwed the knife infront of him. He catched it looking at her with widen eyes.

"Your friend will be up in few hours and I'm informing this to police as it was a gun wound." She said without turning back or looking at him. She went from there and he was froze on his spot.

Everyone feared him but this woman was not a single percent effected by it. He did the formalities of paying and all.

James was transferred in a personal room. He was sitting on the couch which was a little away from James bed.

It was more than 3 hours now, he went to get something to eat. He was looking at the menu in the hospital's canteen. After deciding for straight 15 minutes he thought of a sandwich and juice.

He was going up while eating it. He looked at the view infront of him and stopped at his place.

"Alex fucking James." He said with a smirk which was hidden under his mask.

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