Chapter 9.

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It was around 2 pm and she already saved his number on her mobile. She got ready, she didn't left her room for a second. She messaged him saying she is going and within minutes she got the reply with an okay.

She got out and was taken aback looking infront of her. There were two suv with 8 guards and infront of that there was a Mercedes. She shook her head thinking about Alex but eventually sat in the car. Her car was in between both the SUV.

She told the location to driver and leaned back on the seat. She sighed looking at all of this luxury. The ride was of about less than half an hour. She got down from the car and soon was surrounded by guards.

She sighed looking at them and told them to sit back. But even after telling them two of them were still with her as per Alex's order. She went inside and knocked on the door.

After about a minute door opened revealing Adil. He froze on his place looking at her.

"Assalam ul alaikum Abbu." She greeted sweetly.

"Walikum as salaam, my baby." He embraced her in the hug gently caressing her shoulder. He took her inside and told the guards to stay out.

They got inside and she sat on the couch leaning back and removing her niqab. With that her mother came and they both hug again. Her mother started crying in her embrace. They settled down.

"How are you sweetheart?"

"Alhamdulillah I'm fine Ammi don't worry." She smiled at her mother.

"Are you sure? How is he treating you?" Her Father asked this time.

"Even I'm surprised but he is really nice and he even proudly told to his Father about converting his religion to Islam." She smiled thinking about it. There was a smile and knowing expression on Adil's face as if he know something.

"Know that we are there for you and can do anything daughter." Her mother was feeling so guiltly about it. Eira reassured her saying she is fine and he isn't bad to her.

It was around 7 pm and a knock came, Adil got up to see who it was and got little shocked seeing Alex.
They both stood awkwardly looking at eachother.

"Uh, I came to take my wife back." He said scratching the back of his neck.

Adil chuckled seeing him this awkward and a little nervous.

"Get in." Adil moved aside a little from the door to let Alex inside. They got in the living room where Eira and her mother were chatting about something and laughing so genuinely.

Alex froze on his spot looking at her laughing, he couldn't stop himself from staring at her. He was looking at her without even blinking and as if he can't breath if he don't look at her. Adil looked at him then back at Eira and smiled.

He cleared his throat a little, making Alex to come back in his senses and to aware the ladies. Eira looked at the entrance still smile plastered on her face. She looked at Alex with widen eyes.

"Come, sit." Adil called him, they both settled on the couch. Eira's mother was throwing daggers at him with her eyes.
There was tension visible in the air.

They were sitting like rocks glaring at eachother without initiating the conversation. Eira looked at everyone and few seconds later burst out in laughters. They all looked at her confused but eventually smiled looking at her laughing.

"This is not a war." She said with a chuckle looking around.

Alex's eyes were fixed on her, he had a slight smile on his face looking at her. She was looking so irresistable and so damn beautiful and pretty. He couldn't stop staring at that beauty.

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