Chapter 85

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"Are you going to head back to the madam now, sir?"

I handed my bloodied shirt to Watson and graciously accepted the clean towel from him.

I nodded quietly in response as I carefully wiped the rest of the blood off of my body, making sure not the miss any of the specks littered around my collar or splatters dripping from my hands. I didn't want to freak Belle out by coming home covered in blood.

She had no clue about the dark side of my world.

She only knew of my clean image as the infamous head of the long-standing and powerful Nikoloas Industries, but there was no company in the world that could have stayed this strong for so many generations without any bloodshed.

I had enemies lurking in every shadow of my life.

I was greedy and brought her into my life even though I knew it would be dangerous.

And she had gotten hurt because of me.

It was something that I would never be able to forgive myself for, but I was much too selfish to let her go. I had already gotten a taste of how good life could be by her side, and it wasn't something I would ever be able to give up. So, all I could do was spend the rest of my life trying to make up for it.

I glanced at the crumpled mess of a woman sitting on the stone-cold floor.

She was completely passed out on the ground. Her hair was matted with dried blood and grim accumulated over the last couple of weeks from being cooped up in this cell. Her clothes were left in tatters after all she had been through with my guards' interrogation sessions, but I really couldn't care less.

The eldest daughter of the Whinselor family.

The whore who dared to lay a hand on my queen.

The one who had tried to kill my Belle.

My jaw clenched at the sight. Every fiber of my body was itching to end her miserable life, but we still needed information from her. Information about who was supporting her.

Even though she was dumb, she wasn't dumb enough to attack the official lady of the Nikoloas family for no reason. Someone else must've been behind her to make her think that she could've gotten away with this.

She spent the entire interrogation session screaming about how she should've been the lady in charge of the Nikoloas household as if I would have ever gotten together with someone as disgusting as her.

All I could get out of her between her tantrums was that there was more than one person behind her. 

She spat in my face, laughing manically, almost as if she had lost her mind, about how she wasn't the only one who wanted Belle dead before passing out in her own vomit.

The only problem was that I still wasn't sure if those people were only trying to harm Belle or if they were trying to target me through her.

Drawing me out of my thoughts, Watson spoke up and said, "Sir? Your phone is ringing. I think the madam might be looking for you since it's getting late now."

I nodded and quickly took my ringing phone out of my back pocket. Surely enough, he was right on the dot, and it really was Belle calling me.

I walked out of the abandoned warehouse's cellar before answering the call, not wanting her to hear any of the revolting moans of the tortured prisoners in the background.

"Hi, Metri! I hope I'm not interrupting anything... But I just wanted to ask when you're going to be home for dinner. I prepped a couple of dishes, and I want to make sure I put them in the oven at the right time so they'll be ready right as you get home."

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