Chapter 49

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"Demetri, you need to get up. You're going to miss your flight at this rate."

I groaned and tightened my arms, burying my head deeper into my plush pillow.

"I'm serious, Demetrius. You already ignored your last two alarms."

I grumbled incoherently, still mostly half asleep as I nuzzled up against my pillow.


I begrudgingly cracked an eye open to look up at the owner of the voice. "Love, I'm taking my private plane. They won't leave without me."

Her hair was a mess like all other mornings, completely splayed out around her head. But I still found it to be a comforting sight to wake up to every morning,

She pouted as I propped my head up on her stomach, my previous personal sleeping pillow, "Still... Lukas said that I shouldn't let you talk your way out of going. He told me that you have a dinner meeting tonight in France that you can't miss."

I groaned and buried my face back into her stomach, cursing Lukas on the inside for getting to me through my fiancée.

She gently raked her fingers along my scalp in a soothing manner and consoled me, "We'll only be apart for a week, and we can still video chat every day, so please don't feel so down. You'll be back before you know it, and we can spend Christmas together."

I hummed softly, giving in to her words as I sunk deeper under her warm aura.

I knew that, but I still didn't like the idea of leaving her even though I knew that I had to.

With a heavy sigh, I reluctantly lifted my head off of her and rolled out of bed with a few cracks here and there in my body. I gave Belle a quick peck on the side of her temple before making my way into the bathroom.

I quickly got ready for the day, brushing my teeth and taking a short shower. I stepped out of the bathroom with only a towel hanging around my hips as I searched for my outfit for the day.

Ever since we moved into the new house, I had been staying in Belle's room every day, even though I had my own room. We had unspokenly decided on sharing a bedroom, so it was a good thing that I gave her the master bedroom.

Most of my clothes were in her closet, while all my work items were in my office on a lower floor, leaving my bedroom almost completely untouched from the day we moved in. Not that I had any intentions of going back to sleeping by myself anyway.

I wandered into our shared closet and thumbed through a couple of my suits as I dried my hair with my free hand.

It would be almost a 7-hour nonstop flight to reach France, but I had a dinner meeting right after my plane landed. I had planned my trip to be as crammed as possible such that I would be able to come back to my angels as soon as possible, but it also meant that I didn't really get much of a break any time during my entire trip.

Lost my thoughts, I didn't realize that someone had come into the room until I heard a loud thud from behind me. I turned around in surprise and found Belle standing in the doorway of the bedroom with blown-out eyes and a suit in her arms with a box lying at her feet.

Remembering how she was still uncomfortable with us being without clothes in front of each other, I quickly grabbed a random outfit off the hangers and hurriedly tried to excuse myself, "Sorry, Belle. I was only trying to get some clothes, and I thought you'd be out a bit longer."

However, a little hand caught my arm before I could dart back into the bathroom.

I hesitantly looked down at my little fiancée, unsure of why she would stop me. Although we shared a bed every night, we had never gone any further than heated makeout sessions, especially not after I nearly sent her into a panic attack the last time I thoughtlessly slipped my hand under the edge of her nightgown.

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