Chapter 9

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I slammed my fist down on my desk in complete and utter irritation from this man-child, hissing, "Don't you have your own company to run? What the hell are you doing in my office on a Tuesday morning?"

Sebastian froze mid-swing with another pen sitting loosely between his fingers. He cocked his head side, feigning innocence. "But I'm visiting my friend?"

I frustratingly rubbed my circles against my temple, grumbling, "I need more coffee."


Unable to withstand his nonsense any longer, I abruptly stood up from my seat and stormed out of my own office, slamming the door behind me. I strode straight down the corridor toward the micro kitchen, exuding such a dark aura that all my employees immediately turned away in hopes of avoiding my wrath.

As I took a sharp turn into the micro kitchen, I faltered in my step when I saw the back of a familiar light-colored brunette standing next to the coffee machine. The anger simmering in my body instantly calmed down.

Ms. Caddel turned around to look at me with a surprised expression. "D-Did you need something, Mr. Nikolaos?"

I shook my head as I walked closer to her, trying to ignore how she side-stepped me to keep some distance between us. "Just needed some coffee."

Before I could open the cabinet to rummage through our several bags of coffee beans, a steaming cup of coffee was pushed in front of my face, taking me by surprise. I glanced down at the coffee in confusion and then at Ms. Caddel, who had pink-tinted cheeks as she held out the cup to me.

"Y-you can have it. I l-I didn't d-drink from it yet."

I hesitantly accepted the cup. "Thank you, but didn't you get this for yourself?"

"I-It's alright. You're m-much busier than me. I-I can always make m-myself another cup." She lowered her eyes as she fiddled with her fingers behind her back.

I nodded appreciatively. Deciding that I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable any longer, I quietly excused myself and quickly made my way out of the kitchen.

I mindlessly sipped at the familiarly aromatic coffee as I made my way back to my office. Even after my night with Rose, a perfectly nice girl, I still couldn't ignore how my chest fluttered at the mere sight of Ms. Caddel.

I sighed as I opened the door back into my office. When I glanced around my office, I frowned in confusion at the sight of a missing body on my spare chair, the seat Sebastian had originally been sitting on. Did he leave already?

My question was immediately answered when I heard a loud thud from behind my desk and a high-pitched howl in pain.

Shaking my head, I closed the door behind me and made my way behind my desk, only to find my man-child of a friend who was sitting on the floor and rubbing the back of his head in pain. He had yanked open all of my drawers and had piles of my once organized piles of paperwork scattered messily around him.

I clenched my fist, trying not to blow up at him. I lowly bit out, gritting my teeth, "What are you doing?"

He perked up at the sound of my voice and looked up at me with bright eyes, almost like a puppy, when his owners finally came up. Ignoring my question, he cheerily commented, "Your coffee smells so good. No wonder you were gone for so long."

I rolled my eyes at his obvious change in topic and grunted, "Get up and put my shit back into its place."

"No, no, no!" He scrambled around on the ground and held his arms protectively out in front of my desk and its haphazardly drawn-out drawers. "I needed to talk to you first."

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