Chapter 74

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I looked out the window in awe as the plane started to descend below the clouds. As it flew toward the center of the city, rows and rows of bright lights illuminated the tall buildings as snow floated beautifully down from the sky. The classic architecture with red-brick roofs and white walls.

I squealed when I caught sight of a red flag with a single white cross in the center and exclaimed excitedly, "We're in Switzerland!"

Demetri had insisted on keeping our honeymoon destination a secret from me. All he did was usher me onto his private jet and assure me that I would like it.

Even Theo knew about it before me, so I had spent the entire plane ride feeling incredibly restless by myself. But now that we were here, I couldn't help feeling blown away by his surprise.

He squeezed my hand softly, drawing my attention back to him, and asked, "Do you like it?"

I nodded eagerly. "How did you know? I've always wanted to come here!"

He chuckled softly and shared a knowing glance with our son, who was sitting in his lap. He explained, "I planned the trip with Theo's help, and he said that you once mentioned wanting to retire to Switzerland even though you had never been before. So I thought that I might as well take the opportunity to fulfill one of your dreams."

Tears brimmed in the corner of my eyes, feeling oddly overwhelmed with joy.

Demetri instantly became flustered at the sight of my tears and started fretting about in a panic. "I... What... I-I thought this was a happy thing..."

I laughed softly between my sniffles as I tried to wipe my tears with the back of my sleeves. "I am happy. I don't know why I'm crying..."

He glanced at me worriedly but eventually nodded reluctantly in understanding.

Theo patted his hand reassuringly, "It's okay. I don't understand why Mom cries randomly either."

I shook my head at their antics with a small smile.

My boys...

Soon enough, the plane landed safely onto a private runaway at the back of the international airport. And once it was safe to move about again, the flight attendant came over to help us out of the airplane.

It was still a bit hard for me to get used to being treated practically like royalty, but I guessed that was what it meant to be a Nikoloas. I knew that Demetri held a lot of powerful and more wealth than any single person could ever use in their life, but this was still more than I could ever imagine.

Even so, he never acted full of himself. Now that I thought about it, it actually quite a miracle that he grew up to be such a gentleman despite being born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Although it may have been part of his overprotective nature, he had politely declined the attendants help and opted to helping us out of the plane by himself. He effortlessly held Theo in one arm and used his other arm to escort me down the wobbly stairs and onto the thinly covered runaway.

His mother truly did raise him well...

I could only hope that I could raise Theo half as good, but maybe with Demetri around, it wouldn't be as impossible as I once thought.

To have such a reliable husband...

I smiled at the thought, happily swinging our intertwined hands back and forth as I hopped along the snow covered pavement.

Demetri chuckled softly in amusement, but made no comment about my childish behavior.

Several tall men dressed in a dark uniform walked out of the building, directing us through the maze of airplanes in storage. The tallest one greeted, "Good evening, Mr. And Mrs. Nikoloas. How was your flight?"

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