Chapter 80

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It's so dark...

Everything hurts...

My head is pounding...

My body feels so heavy...

What happened...

All I remember was Theo desperately calling out to me, trying to keep my awake... How tears streamed down his face... Begging me to stay with him...

His heartbreaking scream was the last thing I heard before I passed out.

Was I dead now?

No... I can't be...

Theo still needed me... I can't leave him all by himself again...

A blinding light appeared as I forcefully cracked my eyes open. My vision was blurry, but there was the faint sound of a familiar, rhythmic, soft beeping to my side.

I was in a hospital...

Blinking a few times, the heart rate monitor eventually came into focus, displaying a clear red line spiking repetitively every so often. My eyes drifted across the room, scanning over the fluttering pale curtains and sofas only the side of the wall only to find no sign of my little boy.

Where was he? He was brought to the hospital with me, right?

How long was I out for?

Child services wouldn't have taken him away from me, right?

Anxiety rose from the bottom of my throat.

I unconsciously clenched my hands and unexpectedly received a soft groan in response. My eyes widened as I turned to my left and found a ginormous man by my side.

He was still asleep, uncomfortably hunched over with his head lying on the tiny sliver of free bed space next to me, but the fact that he was currently unconscious did not help with my anxiety in the slightest.

His massive frame spread nearly halfway across my bed, easily dwarfing the tiny, wooden chair that he was sitting on. His muscular figure was shown clearly through his thin shirt, making it quite obvious how easily he could force me to bend to his will.

And yet, his hand felt oddly warm against my skin with a sense of familiarity.

His thick digits were loosely interlaced with my thin fingers, leaving a hefty but comforting weight. Even though I was sure that he could easily snap my bones into two with only his fingers, for some reason, I couldn't bring myself to pull my hand away from him.

Looking up from our intertwined hands, I glanced over his features.

A sharp jawline... Defined nose... High cheekbones... Plump lips...

Even though his hair was matted over his eyes, with dark bags prominent below his covered eyes, he was honestly a very beautiful man...

However, the peace was soon brought to an end when he started to stir.

My breath hitched when his grip tightened around my hand. He sleepily pressed a tender kiss to the back of my hand, whispering melancholically, "I miss you, Belle."

My eyes widened at the sound of his husky voice...

The unexpectedly soft term of endearment...

The same name that Theo called me...

I reflexively squeezed his hand, giving away my consciousness by accident.

He froze mid-motion. His eyes fluttered up to mine, lifting his head and revealing his mesmerizing silver eyes.

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