Chapter 46

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I watched as Belle tugged on the sleeves of her outfit for the n-teenth time today... Pulling on the end of her sleeves... Smoothing out her skirt... Patting her hair down... Checking the mirror...

"Are you sure it's alright?"

I nodded as I held out a cup of green tea for her. "Why are you so worriedly about your outfit, love? We're only meeting with the interior designer."

She sighed as she took one last glance at her outfit before walking over to me. Accepting the cup from me, she confessed, "I want to look good, so she won't think poorly of you for taking in such a shabby-looking fiancée. We're not meeting with just any designer... You picked the top of the top, the Isabella Rosori, and I just know that a whole new chain of gossip will come up when people find out that you are moving in with someone like me..."

So she was still feeling insecure about herself...

I had been trying to boost her self-confidence, constantly showering her with compliments and reminding her that she was more than just good enough, but it never seemed to really get through to her.

I cupped her cheek in my hand and gently tilted her head up as I pressed a soft-but-reassuring kiss on her forehead. "My love, you shouldn't stress yourself out over what others may or may not think of it because none of it matters to me, and it shouldn't matter to you, either."

She hummed softly as she leaned into my touch.

My thumb skimmed lightly over her cheek as I watched her melt into my touch. I murmured softly, "I love you just the way you are, Belle."

Her cheek turned into a light pink hue as she diverted her eyes from feelings of embarrassment. She mumbled quietly, "That's no fair... You shouldn't be allowed to be so handsome and so good with your words at the same time... I never get a chance to be the one to make you flustered instead..."

I chuckled softly as I watched her plump lips form an adorable pout.

Pressing one more kiss on her lips, I released her from my hold and reminded her, "The designer  will be meeting us at my apartment in about 20 mins, so we better get going if we want to drop off Theo at his lecture and still be on time."

She nodded quietly as she hurried out of the room in search of the little rascal.

I picked up her purse that she had forgotten on the sofa and went downstairs to wait for them. In just a few minutes, the mother-son pair came clambering down with a light bicker. Theo kept trying to push his mother's hand away from fiddling with his messy hair, something about how he didn't even wash his face before playing on his tablet.

He huffed when he reached the bottom of the stairs and bolted behind me to escape from her hold. He grumbled to me, "Why is she being so fussy today? Her period isn't for another few more weeks."

I chuckled softly and leaned down to push his loose strand of hair out of the front of his face, quietly responding, "She's just a bit anxious today because we're meeting with the interior designer to get our new home furnished."

He eyed his mother incredulously from the side of me. "I don't see why that would be enough to stress her out like this, but sure... whatever you say..."

Before he could say anything else that might cause an argument, I quickly draped his coat over him and ushered him out the door, "Come on, it's time to go."

As he ran out to the car, I turned around to help Belle put on her coat. Her lips were pressed into a thin line as she anxiously flipped through the content of her purse.

"Darling, your phone and wallet are already in there. You did not forget anything, so please relax."

She sighed as she gave into me and dropped her purse down to her side, obediently slipping her arms through the sleeves of her coat instead. "I'm sorry... I just can't seem to calm down..."

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