Chapter 64

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"Mom, why aren't you going to work today?"

"Um... Mr. Harlow said that I should take a few extra days off this week for my wedding, but uh...."

"Dad forced him to not let you go to office, right?"

I nervously diverted my eyes with a silent prayer for a change in subject. Theo was honestly much to perceptive for me to handle sometimes.

But he paid no mind to my awkward demeanor and simply continued to hop along the sidewalk, happily swinging our intertwined hands back and forth. "Dad made a good decision. I like spending time with mom."

My heart practically melted at his innocent confession.  "I like spending time with you too."

He beamed with delight as we rounded the corner and finally arrived at a little shop tucked away in the middle of downtown.

The bell rang as we opened up the door to Demetri's personal tailor's workshop. The wall were lined with all sorts of luxurious fabrics and several half-made suits hanging on mannequins all around the floor.

An elderly man immediately hopped up from his seat in the back of the shop at the sound, eyes widening as we filed in along with a hoard of bodyguards behind me.

I smiled nervously at the elderly man, feeling quite guilty for being the cause of the cramming of a ridiculous number of bodies in his shop. Demetri had refused to let out of the house by myself without a hoard of bodyguards and instructed Watson in particular to stay close to me in case anything happened.

I knew that he was just being cautious, but it was  also taking everything in me not to break down from being followed by a bunch of strange men. The only thing holding me together was Theo's radiating happiness.

Luckily, the little tailor didn't seem to mind it too much because he quickly forgot about the crowd of bulky men standing behind me and happily greeted us,"It's Signore Nikoloas's little boy. Your papí told me you were coming to get a new suit made for you today!"

Ruffling Theo's hair with the warm aura of an old grandpa, he then looked up to me with soft crinkles around his eyes. "Ah, you must be his amóre. I didn't get to see you the last time I came over to help tweak an old suit for the little one, but you are definitely even prettier than he described."

I flushed in embaressment. "D-Demetri just thinks t-too much of me. Y-you don't have to agree with him just because he said it, sir."

He waved off my statement. "Just call me Angelo, piccolo."

I nodded obediently as I watched him waddle around his shop, picking up different books of fabrics and designs here and there. I stepped forward worriedly when he nearly tipped over with armful of scrolls, "Angelo, please don't hurt yourself. I could help you if you would like. I don't have anything to do right now anyway."

"I'm fine, piccolo. I've been making the suits for the Nikoloas men since signore's papí first came of age." He patted my hand reassuringly and looked up, seemingly in search for someone before suddenly calling out, "Marmocchio! What are you doing just standing there? Get the signorina a chair to sit on."

"Yes, nonno..."

My eyes widened in surprise when I saw Watson step out and respectfully guide me toward the back of the shop where an array of velvet plush sofas lined the walls. "A-Angelo is your grandpa?"

He nodded sheepishly. "I'm sorry if he comes off a bit erratic, but he is truly good at his job."

I glanced over at the pair worriedly. Theo was standing on a pedastal with his arms held out as Angelo took his measurements without pausing from whatever story he was telling Theo. Would Theo be alright? He was never one to get along well with extroverted people like Mrs. Nikoloas who was sitting at the top as example A.

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