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Belly is sitting at the table with Shayla and the kids. Matt and Mallory are coloring, Henry is just scribbling on a blank piece of paper.

"Belly?" Shayla says softly.

"Hmm?" Belly doesn't look away from Matt.

"I hope you can love this baby." Shayla is so quiet, Belly almost can't hear her.


Shayla rubs her little stomach gently, "I know this is hard for you, and I'm sorry. I don't want this baby to hurt you."

Belly's shakes her head in disbelief, "Shayla, I will love this baby the same way I love Mallory. There is no difference. I love you for thinking of me, but do not apologize. I cannot wait to meet this baby."

Shayla teaches across the table for Belly's hand, "It's a girl," she says gently.

Belly's heart swells. Another girl. Steven must be thrilled. Steven was meant to have girls. When Shayla got pregnant, he squeezed Belly's hand and said, "I think it's a girl, Bells. I hope she'll be just like Shayla."

And Mallory is. She's a perfect little girl, she likes her hair braided and wears big bows. She loves dresses and dolls. Steven sits at tiny tables with stuffed animals and has a tea party, he goes to dance recitals. He's a perfect girl dad, and now, he gets another one.

For a brief moment, Belly thinks about Conrad. He is desperate for a girl, and Belly wonders if they would have one right now if she hadn't lost it. Would it have been a girl?

Belly tightens her grip on Shayla's hand, "I cannot wait to meet her."

Shayla smiles, wipes a tear from her face and turns her attention back to Mallory.

Matt looks up at Belly and grins, "Momma?"

Belly runs her fingers through his hair, he looks more like his Dad every day, "What babe?"

"I want to hang out with Uncle Jere today." He says matter of factly.

Belly looks down at him, "Oh you do?"

"Me too!" Mallory says excitedly.

Shayla shrugs at Belly. Belly knits her eyebrows together, "Why?"

"Because he's fun." Matt looks her dead in the eyes, as if he can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want to hang out with Jere.

"Well, he's still asleep. So, you'll have to wait."

Matt turns around to look up the stairs. Mallory giggles. Matt and Mallory are thick as thieves, they're always plotting something.

Shayla eyes them both, "Whatever you're thinking, don't."

Matt is already out of his seat and sprinting up the stairs, Mallory chases him.

Belly sighs, "I hope Jeremiah was ready to get up."

They can hear shouting and laughing upstairs. It's another few minutes before Jeremiah comes down the stairs. He's carrying Mallory on his hip and Matt is on his back. He's shirtless and already in his swim trunks.

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