Chapter 40: The shower

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Tristan POV

I was instantly struck with disappointment when I stretched my hand to the other side of the bed to ensure my assumption was accurate. The bed was empty as if it wasn't occupied by someone last night.

"She is telling me the truth last night." That sentence left my lips pathetically.

I took off the wrist support from my shoulder and strode to the bathroom. With short pants, I stood under the shower and let the water slowly drip onto my body, wetting every inch while ignoring the fact that I shouldn't let my injured hand have any contact with water.

Attempting to forget about her absence, I slowly sat down on the floor as if the water could wash off my sorrow. Without knowing it, tears flooded my eyes, joining the water that flowed down onto my body. I leaned my back on the wall, hugging my legs closer to my chest. A sob left my lips as I buried my face on my lap. Losing someone is torturing; it's like the flesh was being ripped off from the body little by little while gasping for air to survive. I hate the fact that I have to experience it twice.

Trisha POV

Before getting in the room, I knocked a few times but heard nothing from inside. Assuming he hadn't woken up, I decided to go in, but I was shocked when I heard a sob slowly getting louder. My eyes caught his hand support on the bed. Then, I hurriedly reached the bathroom since the voice was coming from there. The door wasn't closed; thus, I went in without waiting any longer.

"Tristan, what is going on?"

He was sitting on the floor, breaking down with his face hiding in between his knees while the water kept splashing on his body. The Tristan that I knew seems so different from the guy crying helplessly on the bathroom floor. He looks feeble as if he will break immediately if I wrongly touch his soul. I couldn't convey my feeling when we both were confused and changing an intense look.

"Trisha? You are still here?"

"I'm here all the time. What happened?" I crouched in front of him, didn't mind about the shower that kept running above us.

"I-I thought-it doesn't matter anymore as long as you're here." He pulled me closer, causing me to fall onto his lap with his hands hugging me securely.

"I'm so confused now, Tristan. Can you tell me what's wrong with you? And your hand-" I tried to release his hands, but he wouldn't let go. Instead, he held me stronger than earlier.

"Shh...don't say anything. Let me stay like this for a while." He submerged his face on my neck. At a crucial time like this, I learned that a comforting hug is more valuable than anything. Thus, I stayed in his embrace even though we were soaked under the shower that kept running above us. I returned the hug and comforted him by patting his back.

"You thought I was leaving?" I asked after a moment of silence, deciding to figure out the situation.

He nodded, "Yeah, I didn't see you next to me, and last night you told me you would be leaving today. So, I thought you were gone."

"How could I leave you alone here? Let's talk outside, Tristan. Your hand is not supposed to get wet." I pulled off, looking over at his left hand.

No words were breaking out from his lips, but his eyes revealed his unwillingness to leave the bathroom. I spotted him staring blankly at the floor. Moving my hands to his face, I cupped his face to make him look into my eyes.

"Let's sort this out, alright? It's time for us to talk about our past, your sister, her death." I tried to persuade him again, expecting him to agree with my request.

"Or maybe about our future," I added on, and I noticed how the last two words brightened up his eyes. His eyes fixed on me as a sign that he was seeking confirmation about it. I nodded, erasing his doubt.

Receiving his positive reaction, I promptly got up from his lap and turned off the shower before extending my hand to drag him up from the floor. Luckily, he accepted my hand.

"Wait for a second," I told him before rushing out to grab a clean towel and bathrobe for him. "Here, I think we should change first."

"Go, I'll be waiting for you here."

"Alright, I will be right back," I promised him, then carefully sprinted out from the bathroom to change my cloth as well. I suddenly felt awkward staying in the bathroom with him. It looks like we had a shower together. And to add on that point, I even sat on his lap. Anyone who entered the room would have the possibility of getting the wrong idea. I slapped my forehead as I felt my face blush with the thought that was running wild in my head.

Once I had changed into a clean attire, I headed to Tristan's room as I promised him earlier. Standing outside the room after collecting my courage, I knocked on the door gently to ensure I didn't get in at the wrong time.

"Come in, Trisha." I pushed the door open when I heard his voice but was startled by his shirtless body.

"Oops, sorry. Ju-just now-let me wait outside." I swiftly spun to the door, getting ready to free myself from the embarrassing situation.

He captured my hand to stop me. Turning around, I looked at him, saying, "I need your help with my..hand." He looked over at his hand, and I knew the hint immediately.

"Oh, yeah, sure." I'm not sure why it was so awkward after the heated moment in the bathroom. Or maybe it was only me who felt uncomfortable to be around him.

"Come, sit here." I pointed at the bed before retiring to get the first aid kit. He was sitting on the bed with his wet hair waiting for me to take care of his injured hand.

I occupied the seat next to him and lay his hand on my lap. My face automatically furrowed as I unwrapped the wet bandage. The blood that smeared the dressing was enough to show his pain even though he complained nothing about it.

"Tristan, maybe it will be better if we visit a doctor. I think you got cut here." My heart appeared to get uneasy looking at the new cut.

"I can get my doctor here, but that is unnecessary."

"It's necessary! Didn't you see the blood here?!" I was mad at him for treating his body lightly but caught by his laughter that suddenly resounded in the room. I immediately snapped at him, looking at his eyes staring at me.

"You're cute when you care about me."

"This is not the time to joke around." I grabbed his phone on the nightstand. "Call your doctor."

While he talked to his doctor, I cleaned his cut and put on a new bandage to stop the blood. 


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