Chapter 25: Break the promise

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Trisha POV

I left my house earlier today because I'm not ready to face Tristan after what happened yesterday. The image of him kept pestering my mind. No matter how hard I tried to erase his face and his unusual behaviour out of my mind but I couldn't do so.

"Hey Trisha, I thought you apply leave for a week?"

"Hey Marco, I have settled my things and decided to cancel the remaining days of my leave. Can I work today?" I hope my acting wasn't that bad. To be honest, I applied for annual leave because of Tristan.


"I will buy you breakfast before I go to work tomorrow so you can have a good rest at home. For your lunch and dinner also I will order something for you. All you need to do is sleep and eat on time. I'm sure your body will recover in a few days."

"Is that how you taking care of a sick person and repay someone's kindness?"

"Nothing wrong with that. You got me, and I will take care of everything."

"I was left out from your so-called 'everything'."

"You're not happy?" My eyes landed on him, indirectly begging him to agree with my plan.

"Did you see any hint of happiness on my face?" I shook my head as an answer. His serious face remained the same.

"What can I do then? I have to work." To negotiate with him wasn't easy, but I still want to give it a try. There was a moment of silence between us, and I stared at him until he grabbed his phone and called someone.

"Hello, Stacy, do something for me. Apply a week off for Trisha from the HR department starting from tomorrow."

"Off for a week?" I questioned him once he dropped the call. "By the way, who is Stacy?"

"My assistant. Your one week leave has been approved." He informed me in a bossy tone.

"That's not how it works. My holiday needs to approve by my boss, not you."

"Muffin, think again. Who is your boss?"

"Marco," I answered with confidence.

"Let me rephrase. Who is your boss's boss?"

"I don't care. Marco is still my boss."

"Look at me. I'm your big boss. Remember that." Unexpectedly, he grabbed my cheeks and squashed my face.

"You're hurting me. I'm not a stress-ball."

"You're my stress-ball." He chuckled, probably pleased to see my funny face.

"Annoying brat!" I whacked his hands before he broke my face.

"Back to our topic. Since you're on one week off, you need to change your plan of taking care of me." His lips curved into a smirk.

"Now you're happy." The smirk turned deeper. He showed off his satisfaction having no intention of hiding it from me.

"Trisha... Trisha." Marco's voice snapped me back from the last memory.

"Oh, sorry, what did you say?"

"I said I'm glad my assistant is here to help me. Welcome back to work."

"Thank you, boss." He got into his office room afterwards, leaving me in my place to get ready to work. After a few hours, more employees showing up. I was trying to avoid conversation related to team building, especially about the pool incident, as I learned from Cassandra and Scarlet that the rumour about Tristan and me had already turned into hot talk among the office mates.

The vibration of my phone caught my attention. Placing down the pen in my hand, I pulled out my phone from the drawer. I gasped as I saw the name that appeared on the screen. The phone looks like a bomb-timer to me right now, and I hesitated if I should answer the call or ignore it.

"Trisha-" I shifted my sight from the screen and turned to look at the person in front of me.

"Where are you?" I was astonished when I heard a voice coming from my phone, and the voice caused me to glance at the phone promptly.

"Oh no, I accidentally answered the call." Rose, one of my colleagues standing across from my desk, heard me, and she took that as a cue to leave. She showed me a hint that she would come back later, and I flashed her an apologetic smile.

"Hi, Tristan. How are you today?" I feigned my voice and made myself sounded delighted with his call.

"Just now, I heard you said you accidentally answered my call."

He even heard that. Silly me! I slapped my forehead for my careless mistake.

"Am I? You misheard it. Why are you calling me?" I hurriedly averted his attention by changing the topic.

"Where are you? I'm waiting for you to have breakfast together."

"I-I- if I tell you, promise me you won't get angry."

"I can't promise." I sighed with his firm answer.

"Right now, I'm in the office. I've cancelled the remaining days of my leave."


"Hm..hmm because I'm bored at home and I feel bad for leaving my work and my boss in the office."

"So you feel bad for everyone except me? How about your promise to take care of me for a week? You break your promise on the second day."

"You are getting better so-"

"That's not the point. A promise is still a promise, and you still have time to change your mind. Come to my place today, or else I will deal with this matter in my way, but I can't guarantee you will like it."

"But-eh, hello?" The line ended before I could finish my sentence. I determined to take revenge by turning off my phone, and I have decided not to show up at his place today. Shoving the phone in my bag, I pretended nothing happened a moment ago, and I wouldn't let him spoiled my mood.

Tristan POV

I've waited for the whole day, and she didn't show up until bedtime. Since she tried to challenge me, I will make her come back to fulfil her promise. She still owes me six days.

I can't deny the fact that I was anticipated her precious reaction. The thought about tomorrow was enough to make me excited. She will surely get angry, but she can't blame me since I clearly gave her the warning.

"Let's see how you will escape this time, Muffin."  


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