Chapter 2: You owe me muffin!

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Tristan POV

Leaving the bar, I decided to take the longer route as therapy to comfort my mind from the old memory that still hurt even though it had passed for few years. That was the only thing that I never mentioned anymore since nothing can change it. The memory had been buried in the deepest place of my heart, but sometimes it still triggers me.

Taking the advantage of fewer cars on the road, I drive slowly alongside the road while reminiscing about someone I missed. My life will be totally different with her presence.

'What is she doing here?' A backside of a woman sitting on the bent chair caught my attention. I slowed down my pace, taking a glimpse of the familiar girl to confirm if it is her.

Just at the right time, I saw an empty spot at the roadside and quickly shoved in my car. I turned off the engine, approaching her silently before occupying one of the empty bend chairs, making sure my position wasn't too noticeable.

Her eyes were settled to the view in front of us. From the way she let out a few sighs, I could tell there was something that made her upset at the moment. Maybe it was related to those guys that were chasing her. And speaking of that, she still hasn't explained it to me. I wondered if I should approach her to distract her thoughts at times like this?

As I was battling with myself, the sight of her wiped off the tears that flow on her cheeks made me keep my eyes lingered on her face. Damn, I hate when someone is crying in front of me. It caused me to have the urge to stop the tears, but I'm aware of the fact that I suck at comforting people. Thus, I decided not to make the situation worse and stay at a safe distance.

"We found you, woman." A guy with a black jacket suddenly coming closer to her. Her face that turned pale didn't go unnoticed.

She showed a quick response and stood up from the chair, obviously tried to escape from the guy but not even a single step, she was trapped by another guy that appeared behind her. They surrounded her, and it seems impossible for her to escape.

"Let's see where you can run." The guy mocked her with a cocky smirk braced his face.

"Don't you dare to touch me." She showed her fierce face as the guy trying to reach her arm, but eventually, that doesn't make him scared. It will be funny though if he listens to her.

"Let me go! Let go!" She screeched and wriggled in his big arms as he quickly captured her body. Irritated with the scene, I dashed to them, sending a strong kick at his back without hesitating, which resulted in him falling on the ground as he had never foreseen that. At the same time, I pulled Trisha to my side and pushed away another guy before he throws me a punch. I smashed him on his stomach until he groaned painfully.

"Tristan, watch out! Behind you!"

As I was failed to dodge it, a strong punch landed on my face. I heard he chuckled as satisfaction hit him. Before he has the chance to knock me down, I held his knuckles and twisted his arm until a crack sound was heard. 

"Come with me. My car is over there." Taking the chance to escape from there, I gripped her hand and brought her to the car.

"Wh-where to?" She halted abruptly, making my eyes landed on her.

"Do you want to stay here with those guys?"

"N-no, but I can't leave with you. I don't trust you."

"You never thought about that when you jumped to my car."

"Hey! You asshole!" We both snapped to the source of the voice and noticed the footsteps that kept coming closer.

Wasting no time, I pulled her harder and accidentally caused her bag to drop on the floor. She gasped as she saw the contents from her bag falling on the ground.

"Oh no, my muffins!"

"We don't have time for that." Since she refused to follow me, I lifted her up from the ground and carried her to the car. Luckily, her petite figure made it easy for me. Although my eyes were concentrated on the road, I could sense she kept studying me blankly as if she wasn't aware of the surrounding. 

I locked the door as I dropped her on the passenger seat and rushed to start the engine. From the side mirror, I saw those guys were behind the car, threatening me to stop. I smirked, assuming that I'm a fool if I follow what they want.

While I was busy driving, I was confused when a slap landed on my shoulder. Turning my face to her side, I threw her a questioning look.

"What was that for?"

"For carrying me forcefully."

"Is this how you thank me?"

"Did I say I will follow you?"

"Excuse me, woman. I'm saving your life." I pointed out the fact, in case she was too blind to notice that.

"Yeah, thank you for your kindness." Her voice was coated with sarcasm. "But you also made me lost my muffins."

I shook my head, hearing her remarks. I couldn't understand how muffins are more important than her life.

"You owe me muffins." She huffed.

I pretended not to hear her and concentrate on the road in front of me. Dealing with women is such a headache. I shouldn't interfere with her problem.

Trisha POV

"Where are we?"

The car stopped at the roadside. Ignoring my question, he got out of the car once the engine was turned off.

'Unbelievable guy.' I murmured in the car before unbuckling my seatbelt and followed his movement, getting out from the car. By the time I spotted where he was heading, I was caught by surprise.

"Wait, are you buying me muffin now?" I hurried my pace, catching him from behind. A smile found its way to my face. Someone is buying me muffins, so I assume it wasn't a bad day.

"Are you coming or not?" He stood at the door while keeping it open for me. Luckily he is not a worker there, or else people might get frightened by his cold face, and it makes me wonder if he ever smiles.

"I'm in!" I instantly entered the coffee shop, strolling to the glass counter that displayed variations of pastries. I was searching for my favorite muffin, Cream Cheese muffin! 


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