Chapter 1: Nice to meet you

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After a few years

Trisha POV

"Shit! The scumbags are here!"

I caught a few suspicious guys pacing around my apartment compound. Judging from their appearance, I knew I was the one they're looking for. They are acting like predators that seeking their victims. If they find out my house, thing might get worse than it was. It's not outrageous to say that they will burn my house or turn me into a corpse.

Decided to save my life, I took another route to leave my apartment. I can't show my face there, or else I will need to flee from them every day. They will ruin my already not-so-peaceful days in a blink of an eye.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips by the time I successfully left my apartment area. I thought I was safe, but sadly, I was utterly wrong when I overheard someone yelling for my name from behind.

"There she is!" It was loud enough to make my heart stop beating. The way he glared at me and alerted the other guy terrified me. I rushed without giving them any spare time to catch me.

"Hey bitch, stay right there!" Instead of slowing down, I quicken my pace towards the building next to my accommodation, heading to the parking lot since it was the nearest place to hide from them. I immediately squatted behind a car while covering my mouth with my palm. Letting my eyes wandered around for a better place to hide, I caught the revved engine noise from a car parked near my hidden spot. Ignoring the risk of being caught by them, I dashed to the car that started to reverse from the parking space. I hopped into the passenger seat, and it caused the driver to press the emergency brake.

"What the hell. Who are you?"

"I'm sorry. I will explain later. Can we leave first?" I didn't look at him. My eyes were peering around to make sure they didn't notice me in the car.

"You owe me an explanation." The guy uttered before pressing the pedal.

"Maybe it's a good idea if you consider sitting properly and put on your seatbelt before I get a traffic summon." I was distraught to have a proper seat as he suggested. I lowered my body while peeking through the window. My instinct kept telling me they will follow the car.

"You're safe. No one is following us." The car halted abruptly, and only then I sat on the seat with comfort.

"Where are we?"

"Near some bars. You didn't tell me where you want to go anyway." His voice was cold, and he didn't turn around to look at me while communicating with me.

"Oh-oh shit, I almost forgot the time. I'm really sorry but I need to go. Thank you for your help." With that being said, I pushed the door and jumped out of the car.

"That's all?" I was intrigued by his husky voice to have a glimpse of his face. By the time I spun around, he was gawking at me with his emotionless eyes.

"I truly appreciate your help. Hope I didn't cause you any trouble."I threw him a sincere smile.

"Hey, you still owe me an explanation." I heard his voice coming from the car, but I chose to walk away.

'Impressive! He dropped me at the right place.' I smiled, spotting the familiar surrounding, The Owl Bar.

"Trisha, I thought you're going to be late. You freak me out! Our show will be ruined without you!" Marco greeted me with his intense glance.

"Calm down, old man, we still have few minutes to get ready."

"Only three minutes, Trisha, and you treat it like thirty minutes." I burst out laughing, hearing him nagging like an old man. He always plays the 'parent' role, and it was a great thing to have him in our band.

"Marco, should I stay here and listen to your lecture or get ready for our show that will start in another two-and-a-half minute?"

"Damn! This is because of you, Trisha. You owe me a meal."

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