Chapter 28: I lost her

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Trisha POV

I walked past Tristan's room to prepare the meeting room. The two familiar voices from the room caught my attention, and my steps halted as I heard them brought up my name.

"I'm here to give you the file. By the way, you don't have any plan of telling Trisha about the truth?" My eyebrows crunched, trying to remember the owner of the voice: Ryan, Tristan's cousin, who rescued me once before.

"For what? For her to hate him? It won't change anything, anyhow."

"You will not understand. I rather she hates me for killing her boyfriend than learning the truth."

My eyes widened as I gasped at his words. I couldn't help but enter the room. Both of them were startled by my sudden ambush, causing them immediately snapped and turned at me at the same time with an identical expression on their face, a shocked expression.

"What did you say just now?"

"Trisha-" Ryan called my name as if he just saw a ghost.

"What are you doing in my room? Don't you know how to knock?" Tristan's voice was harsh, but it failed to conceal the shocked expression on his face.

"Don't change the topic. I asked you to repeat what you said earlier."

"Get out from my room. I have nothing to tell you."

"I heard it, but I need a confirmation. Ryan, you tell me, is that true?"

He glanced back and forth to Tristan and me before trying to say something, "I-I don't-"

Since he didn't dare to spill the beans, I caught the document in his hands. I guess that was the document that contains the thing that they're talking about. Ignoring their gaze on me, I opened the file with no hesitation.

"What is this? Your sister and Luke? What is their relationship? Could you explain to me? I believe I deserve to know the truth."

"Tristan, she got the point."

"You murdered my boyfriend because of your sister." I came out with a conclusion from what I understood from the file. Tears started to flow on my cheeks. Dropping the document on the floor, I ran out from the door without looking back. Ryan tried to stop me and talk something to me, but my mind was no longer in a state to hear any information, my hearing was blocked, and my sight was blank.

Tristan POV

The hardest thing to face was looking at her getting sad for a guy who never appreciated her love. Judging from her reaction earlier, I knew how much it breaks her heart to know that her saviour turned to be her lover's killer. Ryan opposed my decision to let her hate me instead of letting her know why I killed her boyfriend. Learning about the dark side of her boyfriend would hurt her more than she had experienced now.

"Tristan, if you're not going to chase her and explain to her, you will lose her forever. Don't tell me I didn't warn you about this."

"I lost her the moment I knew I killed that guy."

A sigh escaped his lips as he heard my statement.

"If you let her know the reason, I don't think she will hate you. You did the right thing. That bastard deserved to die since your sister-"

"Enough, Ryan. Don't mention something in the past. Just consider this issue is solved."

"You're unbelievable. Keep my words in mind; you will regret your decision soon." He shook his head as he failed to change my mind. I watched him picked up the document on the floor and placed it on my desk.

"Since I am no longer needed here, I will leave for now."

I stared at the file blankly, saying nothing. The file changed my relationship with Trisha in a flash of time.

"Cousin," he paused his steps and turned to face me, "She is a good woman, and I could see the mutual feeling between both of you. I hope you don't let her slip away because of her wrong idea about the past. Perhaps, you should take some time to reconsider your decision." I knew he meant his word when he called me cousin instead of my name since he always did that when it came to something serious.

Ryan POV

Countless sighed coming out from me even though it wasn't my problem. Probably, things will get better if I tell Trisha the reason behind Tristan's action. Still, he warned me not to tell anyone about this, especially Trisha, the woman he eagerly protects.

Getting inside my car, I drove off from the company area. While looking for someplace to chill before heading back to my place, I caught the sight of Trisha sitting alone in one of the cafes along the road. Noticing a vacant spot, I immediately occupied the space and jumped off the car after turning off the engine. Hopefully, she isn't mad at me.

I walked straight to her while chanting inaudibly that she wouldn't splash her drink on my face like how it often happened in movies. She didn't notice my presence as she stared blankly at her drink.

Breaking her attention, I greeted, "Hey Trisha, do you mind if I join you?"

She shifted her eyes on me while her hands were slowly reaching for her drink. As a precaution, I moved few steps backwards from her. Women are dangerous and unpredictable when they're mad, and I have no clue how to deal with them compared to those mafia gangs I deal with every day.

Raising my hands as a gesture to stop her, I requested gently, "I know you're angry, but please don't splash the drink on me."

"Why would I waste my drink on you? This is expensive, you know."

I blew out a deep breath, relieved with her response. From her tone, it was safe to assume that she wasn't mad at me.

"So, I'm guessing I can sit here? Safely?"

"You know what, looking at the way you're now, no one will believe you're the big boss of the mafia." She whispered the last few words, noticing people around us.

"Let me share with you one secret. The only thing that scares me in this world is women." I pulled the chair in front of her and taking a seat there.

"We're not a thing."

"Sorry, I didn't mean that." I apologized and added, "By the way, do you have any plan for the rest of the day? I don't think you will go back to the office. Am I right?"

"I will not go back to that place anymore."

"Alright then, it's going to be a long talk. Let me get something to eat." I take her answer as the cue for me to call for a waiter and place an order.   


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