Chapter 26: Six-days promise

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Trisha POV

Just like yesterday, I sneakily left the house and arrived office early today. It was a significant relief when I turned on my phone last night and noticed Tristan's name didn't pop up on my screen, and he didn't show up in the bar or my place either.

Since it's still early, most of the lift is empty, and only a few people waited. I got in the open lift with a relief heart and hurriedly pressed the number to the office floor. A pair of hands suddenly stopped the lift when the door almost shut. My eyes doubled in size when I looked at the man in front of me.

"How come you're here?" The question came out of my mouth bluntly.

When he entered the lift, I spontaneously moved backwards.

"You cannot use this lift." I stopped him even though the lift had already closed.

"Oh, why can't I use this lift? Is this yours?"

"N-No, I-I mean you have your lift why don't you use that? And you are supposed to be at home, so why are you here now? You-" No words dare to come out from my lip as he abruptly stepped closer to me, making my back reached the cool wall behind me. I struggled to move to the other side but to no avail as he caged me in the corner with both hands.

"Tristan, you-you-" A kiss on my forehead made me stayed quietly on the spot. I peered at him; the pleasant smile on his face made me failed to utter any word.

"Good morning, Muffin. You spoke too much, and I figured it always worked to make you shut up when I did that."

"Good morning." My voice came out as if it wasn't from me. I lowered my eyes, trying my best to hide my blushed face.

"You still owe me six days."

"What six days?" He cocked his head with his eyes never left my face, and it made me felt that his eyes were making a hole in my face.

"Seriously, you need me to remind you?" He lowered his body, making his face at my level. I blushed even more and speedily shifted my face to another side.

"Yeah, I've arrived!' I yelped as the lift arrived at my office floor. I shoved him aside, but he grabbed my wrist when I was about to walk out of the lift.

"Wanna bet? You will come back to me later."

I yanked his hand and hurried out from the lift. I spotted him smirked at me before the lift closed. Walking to my seat, I kept thinking about the meaning of his remark.

Tristan POV

"Time is tickling." Looking at the time on my desk, I took off my coat and seated comfortably on my chair. Certainly, she will come to me after receiving the news from her boss. A smile kept showing up on my face as I thought about her reaction.

After a while, the noise of the door being pushed caused me to smirk. I was totally aware of the person who was fuming into my room without the need to raise my head.

"Tristan, you're too much. You cannot treat me like this."

"Is that how you enter your boss's room? Knock, Muffin."

"You knock off." I lifted my head, watched her with full attention this time. Her choice of words surprised me.

"Angry?" Throwing her the silly question, I moved from the chair and leaned on my desk. We were only a few steps away from each other.

"You assumed I will be pleased with the news? I told you before I want us to stay as a stranger in office."

"And I told you yesterday you still owe me six days. I gave you a chance to change your mind, but you didn't show up. I warned you that our issue will solve with my way if you refuse to fulfil your promise."

"Go to hell with that." She cursed out loud, and that was the first time I heard her cursing like that.

I dragged her hand and resulted in her stumbling onto my body. She squirmed, wanted to let go, but I tightened my grip on her back. She slapped my chest several times.

"Mind your words, Muffin," I warned her gently.

"Do you know everyone is talking about our relationship since we came back from the team building?"

"I heard about that, but it doesn't sound bad to me. By the way, what kind of relationship did they put us in?"

"You knew it. I don't wanna talk to you anymore."

"Calm down, Muffin."

"Move me back to the HR department; only then I will calm down."

"Too late, I already inform them I urgently need someone to help me here. So, from now you are officially reporting to me."

"I object! You can't force me like this. I give you two options now, either you assign me back to my old department, or I resign."

I chuckled at her statement. It was funny how she got the courage to give options to her boss. Her reaction didn't make me mad; instead, it made me happy as it proved that she treated me differently compared to Marco. "So, I have to choose?"

"Yes, you." She poked my chest with her eyes narrowed at me. It seems like she is getting comfortable with our close distance or too focused on the transferring department issue. It was good to see she stopped wriggling and staying close to me with my arms still holding onto her back securely. Her hands were placed on my chest, creating a gap in between us.

"You know what? You're so adorable when you're acting like this, and I think," I halted my sentence, purposely moving my face towards her.

"Y-you-think what?" She moved her head backwards since she couldn't easily escape as I wrapped her tightly.

"I think I'm going to kiss you." I proceed.

Her face turned red, but slowly she closed her eyes.

I smiled, happy to see her response. Moving my face near her earlobe, I whispered, "You see, Muffin. You said you're treating me as a brother, but why did your body react differently when I said I wanna kiss you?"

As foreseen, she tried to push me away but failed. Thus, she punched my chest to force me to let go of her, but I was too stubborn to do that.

"How about this, Muffin? You owe me six days, so I will give you that period as a time to think about us. I promise you won't receive any text or call from me, and I won't even appear in front of you for six days. Whether it is a yes or no from you after that six days, I will accept it."

She stared at me blankly as I suggested that.

"I never cared for someone like how I cared for you except my late sister. You're the first woman that made me want to learn more about love and relationship. I want you to stay as my lover, not my sister. I can see that you have the same feeling towards me, but you kept lying to yourself that you treat me as a brother."


"Six days, can we do this? I will not appear in front of you, either in the house or office. I promise." She nodded, although she looked blur with my long confession. I smiled; at least there was still some hope for me.

Feeling satisfied with her response, I released my hands, sending a kiss on her forehead before strolling out from my office room.

Six days it is.   


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