Chapter 33: The wild Tristan

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 Trisha POV

Ignoring my hands that kept punching his chest, he placed me down on the passenger seat and buckled the seat belt for me. I pushed his hand away and tried to loosen the seat belt but was caught by his firm grip.

"Listen to my advice, muffin, don't run or else I will tie you up."

"Y-you-" The weird imagination of me being tied up in the car filled my mind shamelessly. It caused me to be scared, and my face turned crimson red in an instant.

"You're welcome to try me if you don't believe my words." He challenged me, flashing his arrogant smirk proudly.

After making sure I wouldn't try to jump out of the car, he locked the door before walking away. His sight never left mine, even for a second, until he settled on the driver's seat. I scowled at him with my unsatisfied look that didn't help to make the situation better.

"Where are we going?"

"Home." He responded with one word.

"We can talk at another place but not at your place." I expressed my protest, but he remained silent as if he didn't hear me.

"Hello? Are you listening? I'm talking to you!" I added sarcastically, but he deliberately ignored me.

"I'm driving. Please don't disturb me. You have a chance to say about whatever you wish to later, ok muffin?"

We let the silence slip in between us. He looked calm while giving all his attention to the road while I worried about his following action. My inner voice advised me I needed to be precautious, judging from his bizarre behaviour in the bar earlier. As I was busy planning my escape from there, the car finally stopped. Without waiting any longer, he got out of the car and came to my side.

"We're home." His voice breaks the silence.

"This is not my home." I reminded him of the fact.

"It is." He stared intensely at my face, which caused me quickly shift my eyes to the other direction.

"Are you going to walk, or do you need me to carry earlier?" Judging from his eyes, I was convinced he wasn't joking. As I declined to be carried for the second time, I hurriedly pushed him from blocking the door and stepped out of the car.

"I can walk."

"Hold on. I need to take something." He went closer to the door, searching for something in the car. Taking that as a chance to run, I hastily sprinted to the car park's exit door, but sadly I could hardly run for a few steps.

A firm grip held my wrist tightly, which caused me to yell as the pain lacerated my wrist.

"Ouch, you're hurting me," I whimpered, enduring the pain around my wrist.

"Stop acting. I told you not to run away. Why are you so stubborn?" He tightened his hand around me.

"It's hurt," I told him repeatedly. Noticing the tears that pooled at the edge of my eyes, his expression softened instantly. A genuine concern coloured his face. Now, this is the Tristan who I recognized. He loosened the grip of his hand around me, checking my wrist carefully—a red mark covering my skin when I accidentally fell on the ground earlier.

"I'm sorry." With my hand on top of his palm, he caressed my hand tenderly. "Let's go inside. I won't hurt you. Just talk, could we do that?" He pleaded, making me shiver inside. This guy knew how to make me take a step back, and I hate that I failed to refuse him at a time like this. Before I answered him verbally, he grabbed my other hand, pulling me gently to the lift, and while I didn't pay attention, I spotted our hands were intertwined. I bit my lips out of nervousness and wriggled my hand, expecting him to take that as a cue to let go.

"You don't want to hurt your left hand, too, no?" He asked, with his eyes scrutinizing me through the reflection of the wall in the lift.

"This is not appropriate." I glanced away, expressing my thought in a low tone.

"Thing has never been appropriate between us." His statement left me puzzled.

Tristan POV

"Still the same password." A smile was plastering my face as I heard her words in a low tone. She apparently wanted to convey that to herself but didn't realize it was loud enough for my ears.

Closing the door with one hand, I took her to the upstairs, to be more specific, to my room.

"Tristan, let go. Where are you taking me?"

I stopped my step and spun around to face her, "Room," I replied, to annoy her. She gasped in nervousness as if we were going to do something inside there.

"N-no, we can't do that. I'm not going to do that." She tried to say that with a firm voice, but her expression betrayed her.

"This is too slow. I can't wait any longer." I hoisted her in a bridal style, making sure I didn't hurt her. Even though she refused to let me carry her that way, but her hands still snaked around my neck, as a sense of security from falling, I guess.

"Tristan, we can't do that. We are brother and sister, remember?" I almost cracked out with laughter but suppressed it.

"Oh, I thought you forgot about our relationship. Why are you running away from home then?"

"You forced me, you fool." She chided, kicking her legs to make me lose control and put her down rapidly. Arriving in my room, I lay her down on my bed.

"Don't do it. I'm not ready." She crawled to the end of the bed, making sure there was a safe distance between us. Her hands were covering her chest.

"You should have thought about that when you decided to wear that skirt. Take a shower and change into a proper shirt. This outfit doesn't suit you." I proceeded to the wardrobe and picked up a shirt for her. I placed the shirt on the bed with a clean towel before going out of the room.

Grabbing the doorknob, I told her, "Don't worry, that naughty thing in your mind wasn't in my plan. We are going to talk, a nice talk, I mean."

"We can talk now. I don't have to waste my time for a shower; I'm good with my outfit."

"Not for me, I'm not good with that. Now, are you going to do what I told you, or do you need my help with that?"

Rolling her eyes due to the anger, she snatched the towel and strode to the bathroom, showing her anger by shutting the door loudly.

"Still a kiddo," I mumbled, accompanied by a smile on my face before strolling out from the room. 


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